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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 21, 2007
Heaven or Hell
i was wondering if you could get away with doing
stock photgraphy images
with the new Canon G9 or the new Ricoh GX 100 ..?
or the Canon 40D...?

what's the minimum megapixel count for submiting to Getty Images ?


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I can't say I know what the minimum requirements for Getty images is, but I'd bet you could find out if you visited their website... just a thought. :) I don't thing the camera is the issue, but the image itself. It would most likely have to be big enough, and sharp enough, and of a subject they could offer as a stock image for a customer. I'd look through tons of the pictures they already have to see what they're buying.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
You can read their approved list here. I imagine it's a little out of date: a Canon 1D MkIII is probably accepted, but not on the list. I would note that it's all DSLR (or medium format backs), and high end ones at that. The 20D and 30D are not listed so I would suggest the 40D will not be either.
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