I currently have a 64gb iPad 3G. I sold my iPhone 3GS about 2 or 3 weeks ago, in anticipation of possibly getting the new iPhone. My only phone has been icall on the iPad, and text msgs have been through google voice. I have only had 2 serious situations where i needed to make a call asap while out of the house. 1 time was a flat tire, and the other was to make a registration deadline. Other than that, every other call I have made has not been very urgent.
I cant receive calls.
I travel internationally a lot. Wifi is normally available, but i have had trips where wifi was scarce ( damn you Germany!). Would you, if in this situation own an iPhone 4 and an iPad?
Current people with both, how do you feel owning them?
I cant receive calls.
I travel internationally a lot. Wifi is normally available, but i have had trips where wifi was scarce ( damn you Germany!). Would you, if in this situation own an iPhone 4 and an iPad?
Current people with both, how do you feel owning them?