i had the atv hooked up via airport extreme. comcast cable modem, gigabit ethernet internal network, and the download for the movie was taking forever. maybe 1% every 5-10 minutes (this was for a non-HD rental, English Patient). i ended up throwing a switch behind the ATV and connecting an ethernet cable. now i'm getting about 1% every 30 - 60 seconds (this was for an HD rental).
the movie does want to play after 2 minutes (with ethernet cable), but just curious what speed others are seeing? In relative units of measure, %/minute, and specify whether you were downloading an HD movie or non HD. I realize the speed in these units depends on the size of the movie.
the movie does want to play after 2 minutes (with ethernet cable), but just curious what speed others are seeing? In relative units of measure, %/minute, and specify whether you were downloading an HD movie or non HD. I realize the speed in these units depends on the size of the movie.