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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2019
This issue possibly only happens to people switching from Android to iPhone, or it might have just happened to me. I will try to be as detailed as possible.

So I noticed today that I was included in a group iMessage between myself and two other friends who also own iPhones. However, the very first message that was sent was not received by my phone. I had to ask one of my other friends to relay the message.

I thought this was strange as I had just done a full restore on my phone through iTunes, and thought that would clear up any bugs.

I was trying to search around to see if this is related to my carrier, or the phone.

BUT, I remembered that this group chat had also been around when I was on Android. The first message that was sent to that group would actually have been the one to convert it from a "Text Message" chat to an "iMessage" chat. I am wondering if this was the case, and that's why the message was dropped?

I received every message after that dropped one just fine.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? And would if this is a group message with all other iPhone users, would it be a carrier issue or a phone issue?
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