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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2012
Upgraded to new iPhone Xs and Series 4 yesterday.

Backed up to iCloud before making the switch. All my activity data is present, exercises, etc. However, the awards themselves are largely gone. Only ones left are my activity from yesterday and the Earth Day 2018 challenge.

I've read on Reddit someone quoting Apple as saying it could take up to 9 days to recalculate the awards but can't find any reference or proof of this.

Anyone else with this issue? First world problem, I know but it's those intangible things that sometimes matter :)


Aug 16, 2007
Apple stated missing achievements will show up in the next update. Apparently it’s a known bug with watchOS 5


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2012
Yes, thanks - I neglected to include that:

Definitely affected by that but also all the other achievements: perfect week, months, new exercise record, etc. and all the other challenges not on that list Apple has offered.

EDIT: During the day out yesterday on cellular, I opened the Activity app and suddenly all the badges started appearing :). Guess the earlier post on recalculating was right.
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