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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 24, 2010
So we bought the entire first season of Mad Men on AppleTV a few days ago.
Went to watch the 4th or 5th episode last night, and when I clicked on "My TV Shows" the AppleTV says there is no content on our AppleTV.

Nothing at all. We have multiple episodes of other purchased shows, etc. All gone somewhere...

I have done nothing new, no updates, syncs, settings changes in iTunes on other computers, etc.


Is your iTunes host computer on, and is AppleTV recognized within iTunes? This message is typical when you lose connection between the ATV and the host computer.
Yeah, the host computer is on, no changes there.

These were shows that we purchased and downloaded directly to the AppleTV; now everything is gone. Weird, as I have not done anything to the network, AppleTV, or any computers in the house. We watched episodes the night before, but last night and now everything is gone.

Any other ideas?

In iTunes on your computer, select your :apple:TV under 'Devices', and make sure "Show only synced content" (or something like that) isn't selected. If it is, your :apple:TV will only list items that are on its hard drive, and won't show items that are on your computer (and otherwise available for streaming). It may be that the episodes you've watched are in your iTunes library but not on your :apple:TV, and don't show in the :apple:TV's menu anymore.

Figured it out.

As it turns out, the AppleTV is set to sync with my rarely used Dell PC in the office. Since I got the MBP last fall I do not use that computer much, and I had assumed the AppleTV was synced with the MBP. I guess at some point in the last few days the PC decided to reboot itself (as Windows seems to like to do frequently) and was stuck on the login screen. Now that it is back up and running the shows have returned...

Once I upgrade to the iMac in the office this won't be an issue.

On a windows related side note, the only time this MBP has crashed or completely hung up was last night as Microsoft Office tried to update itself...

Thanks for the input.

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