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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 28, 2008
Hi All,
Is it possible to manually resize the circle appearing around pin on mapView once we make use of MKUserLocation to show user location with a circle?
By resize I mean to say increase/decrease the circle radius.

Thanks for guiding me right.
I am not able to check this on iphone as my GPS is not working. Please tell me one more thing that on a displayed MKMapView when the user touches on a particular point [by particular point i mean to say any place on the map but excluding the annotation] on the map then is it possible to obtain the location of that point latitude/longitude value?
Do I need to subclass MKMapView in order to get

- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event

event where we can make use of convertPoint:toCoordinateFromView.

Do I need to subclass MKMapView in order to get touchesEnded event where we can make use of convertPoint:toCoordinateFromView.


If it's not got a method to pass it on to you then yes, I suppose you do. Just remember to pass the even onto the super class...
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