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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2007

Has anyone seen any announcements whether the MLB 2010 app will live video stream the HR Derby and All Star game?

I remember the last few app updates mentioned improvements for All Star stuff, however looking at the app it says "no scheduled games" for today (7/12/10).

Any insight would be much appreciated.

I would be shocked if they stream the video of the All Star game. For the same reason they don't stream the Saturday FOX game of the week (or any other game close to the same time) or the Sunday night game. The network "owns" the broadcast.
The app will stream the game, technically the game is an "exhibition" so it doesnt fall under the blackout clause, as its not a home game in your area, nor a game of the week, its technically not even a legit game.

Plus they just updated the app to handle al all star stuff, like just last night
Have you seen where in the app you can get to the streaming? I just noticed the advertisement for All Star Coverage, Im assuming it will be there once it starts.

iphone1105, I kind of assumed that as well, but I thought they would advertise the broadcasting a bit more.

Thanks for the help, I guess we will see in just over 2 hours.
Ugh, Im not seeing anything in the app.

Does anyone have a site that streams it live and will work on the iphone/ipad?


It is now live within the app, the only problem is the video wont rotate to landscape, really small video =[
I stand corrected. When I emailed the MLB complaining about Saturday afternoon blackouts, they told me it's the TV networks fault. Exhibition or not, I am surprised that ESPN allowed it to be streamed with no commercials.
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