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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 27, 2021
What's up! Sorry, we tried searching for an answer to this here but didn't see anything related.
Our company is working remotely, and pretty much everyone on iMacs brought their computers home. We work in an Active Directory environment so our Mac logins are mobile cached accounts. We have a user who forgot their login password on their iMac, and can't log in. We tried every combination. Is there a way to reset their password on the iMac from home without having to bring the computer back in the office to reset it? This particular workstation is in Catalina. 10.15.6. Any suggestions?
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2020
The password must be changed by your admins on the Active Directory server (wherever it is). There is a way to change that locally saved password, but as soon as the Mac connects to that server, the password will stop working.

Whether it can be done remotely or not, is again a question to your admins.
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