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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 8, 2007
Please forgive me if this is something that has been covered before, but I cannot find any topics regarding the issue.

How do I prevent the iPhone from adding commas in a series of numbers, or removing a leading zero?

I have auto-correct and shortcuts disabled on my phone, yet the iPhone still reformats the numbers.

For example, when I enter my credit card number the iPhone adds a comma after every third number. When I enter in my CCV that starts with two zeroes, it removes the two leading zeros.

This happened after iOS 5.

Can someone please help? Thank you.
I think you are describing the same thing as this topic at Apple:

It's described as a webkit bug without a current fix, but the last poster also suggests that it happens at sites that format data entry in those boxes as numeric (i.e. site-side error), which causes the phone to do the re-formatting.

I was kind of wondering if it were localization specific and does not affect the US localization. I've actually never seen my iPhone reformat a numeric entry in any kind of text field in any web page that I can recall.
mkrishnan, thank you for that information. That is exactly the issue I am experiencing. It happens on several sites, Best Buy Mobile being one of the bigger ones.

At least now I know it is something that I cannot fix. Thanks so much.
You might bookmark that page at Apple Support and go back periodically. If it does turn out that there's something you can do, maybe someone will figure it out and post there.
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