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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2020

I am trying to phone a friend who went to Hong Kong for a trip with my brand new iphone that I recently purchased and as a first time user or novice trying to learn my way through it being of the old generation has not been a much too pleasurable experience I have to say but guess managing okay thus far.

My current problem is trying to track a friend who left for Hong Kong about a week ago and we have had no way of keeping in touch other than with our iphones and using the Whattsapp app which I accordingly managed to download and install to my device. Suddenly I am faced with the new task of knowing the exact number to dial to reach my friend's device. BwaaaHaaaa...

I have been trying to look for some examples of the phone numbers and their formats for the different countries (especially the ones for Hong Kong) on the web but not getting much wisdom. The Australian mobile numbers you will notice all have the 04XX XXX XXX format. To dial from overseas to Aus no's you would dial +61 4XX XXX XXX.

But how would you dial this number if you had to take the same phone (with this 04XX..... format) overseas from Australia? In Hong Kong the phone numbers are in the format +852 XXXX XXXX, with the mobile phone no. being only eight digits?

So instead of leaving out the one digit that is the "0" from the front of the Aussie number when calling to Australia from overseas, you need to omit two digits from the number when calling the same phone that was taken to Hong Kong from Australia to effectively turn the 10 digit number into the 8 digit one that they use in Hong Kong? Something like, 852 4XX XXXX X?

Can you see the problem? The number just doesn't look right. Is there a guide for all this? like a list with example phone numbers for all the different phone numbers for all the countries overseas that might show how to type the number from a typical Australian mobile phone number, that is the 04XX...., to the different formats for all the global locations?
Why not check with your carrier or local phone company?

To dial overseas from North America to HK:

011 852 #### ####

where # represents the local HK number.
Yeah but I meant what if the friend took the phone with the 10 digit mobile number from Aus to HK would with only 8 # she would need a new number for her phone, yes?
She can't use the old number with 10 # or effectively 9 if you drop the first one like you do when calling to Aus and adding the +61 at the front, in HK you only have 8#. which 2 # get dropped from the 10 # original number to include the rest of the number for the phone number? eg lets say the number was AU: +61425 234 XXX, then HK: +852 ?25 234 XX?, where the "?" represents, what, hypothetically, the spaces you might like to, again hypothetically but this time applied not in conjuction with the previous occasion that was in draught mode, but subtract from the back swing ie. the number to leave you with the eight digits' according H'K standards or where ever the place may be and effectively turn the back swing stroke into a forward one and thus could eventually, in turn, even revolutionalize the tennis raquet if taken in the right heart of manner.
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Do like this. Say my friend mobile number in Australia is: 0458 362 23X to call local. Then it is 61458 362 23X. What is the number if she travel to Hong Kong. Is it : 852458 362 23X? Get no answer. must be 852 XXXX XXXX.
All good just left out the first few numbers and left the ones remaining from left and got through to talk to my friend their in HK was great. Thanks.
Thus, your telephone's address book should have the full number of your contacts including the country code and the '+' sign.

This is absolutely correct. I have been doing things this way with my iPhone from Turkey to Guatemala and many points more or less in between since 2008.
Let's say my California dentist's telephone number is (408) 555-1212. I'd put him/her in my address book as +1 (408) 555-1212. That way if I need to call to reschedule an appointment, I just click the number and the phone will dial the proper digits regardless of whether I'm in Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo or Sydney.

This is great advice and what I do. It has served me well when I travel internationally.
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