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Original poster
Aug 30, 2009
hi all
How can i stop my phone from displaying these and instead go to the real version? for example? i type and it bring up some crappy mobile version. if i scroll down to the bottom of the page and click a espn home link it takes me to the real page? how can i skip that step? also, for other popular pages?

Some will allow you to type in the actual url of the normal site.

Others force you to view the mobile versions. The actual page has a script that detects what your viewing from and it makes it more difficult to get around.


Some will allow you to type in the actual url of the normal site.

Others force you to view the mobile versions. The actual page has a script that detects what your viewing from and it makes it more difficult to get around.

why do they force you to see mobile versions? thats pretty lame... it seems like at&t wwould be the people to do that.. less data moved..
thanks all..

i went to all the pages i frequently go to and copied the link at the bottom of the pages and turned them into bookmarks... its either labeled on the page as "full page version" or "desktop version" for anyone else that wants to try it.
I think there's also a class of phones that doesn't have "real" internet like the iPhone made it big with. They have only mobile web capabilities. Also like other people have stated it probably helps lessen bandwidth (although loading the mobile one then the real one probably cancels some of the savings)
i wonder this when there are mobile version of websites that don't have an option to switch to the full
why do they force you to see mobile versions? thats pretty lame... it seems like at&t wwould be the people to do that.. less data moved..

In the case of smartphones, it's not AT&T that decides what you see.

It's whoever did the website. To get repeat visists, they want it to be quick and easy to use, even over low speed connections.

Ironically, quite often the person coding the site has an iPhone, and wanted to make a special version for it that looks more iPhone-ish.

All devices send a User Agent string with every request. The site looks at that to see which pages to serve up. While some other browsers let you change that User Agent to spoof the site, iPhone's browser does not.

The usual way around it is to look for the "Full Site" link, and to bookmark that page.

However, some sites check the user agent on every page, and always force you to a mobile page. Write them via their feedback link, nicely let them know that it's not what you want to see, and ask that a permanent full page link be provided. Many sites have changed because of such requests.
Bookmarking the full page is the only way I found that works.

However, some sites check the user agent on every page, and always force you to a mobile page. Write them via their feedback link, nicely let them know that it's not what you want to see, and ask that a permanent full page link be provided. Many sites have changed because of such requests.

Ugh, I know, Facebook and MySpace are horrid about that. And i just checked, very annoying with out a "full site" link.
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