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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Just thought I'd give a heads up to anyone with a 1.0.2 phone with AppTapp to check out MobileCast. It's only early beta and still seems a little buggy, with some feeds just not working, but when it does work (I've got CrankyGeeks and CAGcast to work for example), it allows you to download and store podcasts directly on the phone, then play them back etc. Only audio podcasts so far, but the dev plans to add video later, as well as automatic checking/downloading etc.
This app bafles me as I don't understand why I wouldn't simply let iTunes take care of this for me. I did install it, but I haven't used it and I don't really see the value. I typically synch every other day so .....

Am I missing something?
Its very useful for those who listen to podcasts everyday and might not sync up for days or weeks at a time.

I think it will be very useful, I am just not going to try it until I hear its a little more stable :D
Does this add them to the iPod too (specifically the podcasts section)? or do you have to browse to the file with mobile finder or something?

not that I could use this yet because my phone is 1.1.1:rolleyes:

No, it doesn't put it into the iPod (I hope it will be able to in the future). Instead you browse the feeds you've added and hit play. It works but because it isn't completely integrated it isn't perfect. For example, if you hit the earphone pause button in an attempt to pause it, the iPod actually mutes the app and starts playing instead.
Its very useful for those who listen to podcasts everyday and might not sync up for days or weeks at a time.

I think it will be very useful, I am just not going to try it until I hear its a little more stable :D

Agreed, I'd given up on podcasts just because it's too much of a hassle to sync so often. Someday I don't doubt that Apple will add wireless syncing (at least for "connected" ipods like iPhone and touch) but I disagree with their decision to drag their feet on it. Oh well, now that they've got wireless iTunes, I'm sure syncing is on the project schedule somewhere--even if only experimentally.

Now THAT, would be something worth updating and losing 3rd party apps.
it does make sense

it makes sense when you think that podcasts like NPR news at 10 am exist. I use it to sync for the 10 am news or afternoon news and when I dont stay at home where my computer happens to be. :)
MobileCast for 2.0?

I work out of town most of the week - with no access to TV's or computers - I live by my iPhone. Anyone have any idea of MobileCast 2.2.4 would work with a an 4Gig iPhone, no jailbreak but upgraded to 2.0 software? Or should I wait until the developer upgrades the software?
Anyone have any idea of MobileCast 2.2.4 would work with a an 4Gig iPhone, no jailbreak but upgraded to 2.0 software? Or should I wait until the developer upgrades the software?

You would definitely need a jailbreak to put it on at this stage, and I'm not sure it would even run due to all the framework differences between 2.0 and 1.1.x (but who knows, it might). I might try once the jailbreak comes out.

I just looked at the developer's blog and it seems he's had lots of people asking for an App store version. He's now planning to do one, but hasn't started yet, so who knows how long before we see it available (next month is current ETA).
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