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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 22, 2006
Sunny South Coast
Just came back to computer after 4-5 hours to find my entire documents folder deleted....... I hadn't tried to move anything to the trash..... just left the thing running.... came back to nothing! Any ideas anyone? :mad:
I have had the same thing happen... Now I backup my iDisk nightly. Have you checked your iDisk online to see if your info is there?
WOW! Data loss at the hands of THAT is unacceptable.

Sometimes I feel like MobileMe is a collection of unstable technologies all rolled into one premium package. :mad:
Make sure you use their online chat AND GET A CASE# then when you email it will be easier to follow-up. I did and finally got my case resolved after $40 days of being locked out of one of my sub-accounts.
This one sorta reminds me of (years ago) when my little brother was crying, he had a big lump on his head... My older brother (with hammer in hand) said " I didn't hit him in the head with a hammer"...
If you have "local iDisk" turned ON then the contents of your iDisk is saved on your Mac as a "Sparse Disk Image Bundle". It is found in your home / library / filesync folder and therefore time machine would be backing up your iDisk (though for most, not in a useable way)...

If you do not have "local iDisk turned on" then you are depending on Apple to keep your stuff safe...

There are workarounds... I use SuperDuper to backup my local iDisk to a partition of an external drive every night. This has saved me a number of times when iDisk goes haywire...

Hope this helps...
Is "local iDisk" turned ON the same as "iDisk Sync" turned ON (Update: Automatically) under MobileMe in System Pref?
Yes it is. When you "Start" or turn on local iDisk you are creating a local copy of your iDisk on your computer for use when you do not have an internet connection.
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