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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 25, 2008
Hey everyone. So I just jailbroke my iPhone 3G and it's doing great :D I'm familiar with terminal and *nix systems, my question is with the app MobileTerminal.
  • I see the pie (gestures) thing pop up when it starts, but I am unsure how I access this. Is it broken on 3G?
  • Also I notice that the landscape keyboard is not functioning properly.
  • Lastly, I tried to change my PS1 settings to change the foreground colors and it's not working.

Thought I'd throw in that it's version 286u-1. I realize this isn't the latest, I'm assuming because it had to be ported, so I'm not expecting all these functions to work, just wondering about others experiences. Google gave me nothing useful :D
Ohkay, thank you. I was just checking. The rest of terminal is functioning, I was just making sure I didn't need to reinstall or something.
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