I received my Modern Buckle strap on 8/31. I've worn it off and on all week with no problems. Today, while standing, I accidentally hit the top of the buckle with my purse strap and the watch fell to the ground. Then it happened again! I was eating dinner and hit my fist on the table and it fell off. I noticed that I just can peel the buckle apart without using the side clasps (from the top). Is my band defective? Can anyone else confirm that they can simply peel the buckle apart without pushing in the side buttons? I have the Milanese loop band and I've had ZERO issues with the magnet on that band. Any help is appreciated! Note - if I pull on the strap, it's secure. But if I try and pull on it from the top, it EASILY comes apart. I love the strap but having it fall today was scary. Thanks again for any input here.