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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 18, 2015
in previous Mac OS versions, we had the ability to first set the OS language, for example in English and then have the date and time in a local different language, eg Greek. We were using the command:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale -string el_GR
defaults write NSGlobalDomain "AppleLocale" "el_GR"
sudo defaults write .GlobalPreferences AppleLocale "el_GR"

Now, in Mojave, this thing has changed and we cannot do it again. It is weird that when we apply these commands, the date & time change but it is shown only at the bottom of the window of Language & Region, in System Preferences. It doesn't apply in the whole OS as it should be.

I tried in Recovery Mode (cmd+R) but no luck either.

There are also a thread in Apple Communities about this problem but it is unanswered.

Is there any fix? Can we force somehow this applelocale to Mojave? Maybe we could add some commands only.

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