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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 20, 2012

I am presently running High Sierra on my iMac. Version 10.13.5
and Parallels, version 13.3.2

Will probably purchase Parallels 14 in the near future, but would like
to update to Mojave now.

With the versions I have noted above, has anyone experienced any problems if I install Mojave ?

If O.K., is it "seamless" in that I don't have to do any new partitioning, and that it
picks up the present Windows automatically, etc., etc. ?

And, same concerns and worries for the full Windows 10 I also have installed
and access via Bootcamp. Any potential gotchas or problems with this ?

Any caveats at all ?
Anything to know, or consider, beforehand ?

Before 14 was released, I was using 13 on the beta version of Mojave. It works, but it does not have all the bells and whistles of Mojave support. Meaning it will not recognize Mojave VMs, and may have issues with newer Mac hardware that has larger processor core counts.


Think I will put off switching for a while.
Doesn't seem to be anything in Mojave that I really need.

Not at all anxious to spend another $ 50 to upgrade Parallels to vers. 14.

BTW: Not too sharp with this. What do you mean by "Mojave VMs" please ?

Regards, Bob
VM will have full support for Mojave, there was an article last day about that
Parallels announced anything new for Mojave?

Just the following that I got back fro Parallels.
Doesn't exactly inspire any confidence:

" understand that you would like to know about Mac Mojave compatibility.

Parallels Desktop 14 is fully compatible with Mac OS Mojave. While Parallels Desktop 13 is partially compatible with Mojave.

Still, you can use the same Windows virtual machine with Parallels Desktop 13 on Mac Mojave but you may experience any of the few issues which are listed in the below article. "



Think I will put off switching for a while.
Doesn't seem to be anything in Mojave that I really need.

Not at all anxious to spend another $ 50 to upgrade Parallels to vers. 14.

BTW: Not too sharp with this. What do you mean by "Mojave VMs" please ?

Regards, Bob
"Mojave VMs" - any Virtual Machine that is running macOS Mojave in Parallels.

Most users of Parallels run Windows, and that is to be expected. However Parallels is capable of running Windows, Linux, and macOS VMs too. Parallels 13 will not be updated to run macOS Mojave as a VM.
I never tried macOs in VM...So it’s possible to have macos Mojave and in the same time to have High Sierra running in VM?
I never tried macOs in VM...So it’s possible to have macos Mojave and in the same time to have High Sierra running in VM?
Yes. I am doing that right now. Often some products are slow to upgrade in compatibility (I'm looking at you Intel Parallel Studio for Fortran), so I keep a separate VM to run those products side by side with the latest OS.
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