Hi guys - we recently released a big update to our popular diary writing app and would love to hear your feedback!
This update has been in development for a while and we've added a lot of great new features, feeds and enhancements to make recording your daily activities even easier!
Take a look at http://momentoapp.com for full details.
With Momento in your pocket you can write your diary on the go, capturing moments whenever you find the time. A beautiful interface coupled with powerful tagging, makes it quick and easy to write about your day and browse moments from your past.
Connect Momento with popular web services to fill your diary with your online activity. In minutes Momento can build a record of each day, using the information and media you have shared online. A fast, effective and effortless way to record your life.
Momento supports the following feeds:
- Tweets from Twitter
- Facebook Statuses
- Flickr Photos
- Last.fm Loved tracks
- Foursquare Checkins *New*
- Gowalla Checkins *New*
- YouTube Videos *New*
- Vimeo Videos *New*
- Diggs *New*
+ RSS/Atom Web Feeds *New*
Essential Features:
- Tag people you meet
- Tag places you visit
- Tag memorable events
- Create custom tags
- Rate moments
- Attach photos
- Fully searchable
- Passcode protection
- Landscape support *New*
- Retina display ready *New*
- Backup & restore *New*
- Export data *New*
- Multiple feed accounts *New*
- Quick day navigation *New*
- Browsable links *New*
For full details on Momento, check out our new website at http://momentoapp.com.
Momento is currently available from the App Store at an introductory sale price of just £1.19.
If you have any questions, fire away or drop us a tweet on @MomentoApp.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts!