Having ordered a Mac Studio, I knew I’d need a new monitor. My existing ones are old 1080p screens which, attached to my MBP don’t look all that great. With the MBP I can use its own screen for work, and the external screens to dump things on that I only need to glance at, but the Studio doesn’t have that option.
Over the last weeks and months, since getting my MBP, I’ve been trying to figure out which external monitor to get and frequently concluded “this is a minefield, I’ll stick with what I have”. But, with the Studio, the decision to buy becomes imminent.
Fearful that I’d end up “buying the wrong one”, I wanted to stay relatively cheap (so not 5K for now). If I got “the wrong one”, then it’d serve as an external for my old Surface Pro 6.
I ended up going for BenQ PD2705U 27” 4K Monitor for Mac - pretty much for no other reason than it said “for Mac” (yes, I’m that shallow 😉). A quick search on this forum showed that some had at least had some success with it.
It arrived today, and I set it up for my MBP in readiness for the Studio. I’ve been pretty impressed so far. The MBP works fine with it. I can at last use an external as my main screen at my desk. And it has a handy KVM built in so I can easily use it with both Macs.
I’m sure this monitor has issues for people who want it for a “specific purpose” but my use case is more general - doing some AI stuff mostly. My photo/video work is very basic, and I don’t game (although I may well dabble in the future). As a “general purpose” monitor, I think it’s pretty great. A good buy.
Over the last weeks and months, since getting my MBP, I’ve been trying to figure out which external monitor to get and frequently concluded “this is a minefield, I’ll stick with what I have”. But, with the Studio, the decision to buy becomes imminent.
Fearful that I’d end up “buying the wrong one”, I wanted to stay relatively cheap (so not 5K for now). If I got “the wrong one”, then it’d serve as an external for my old Surface Pro 6.
I ended up going for BenQ PD2705U 27” 4K Monitor for Mac - pretty much for no other reason than it said “for Mac” (yes, I’m that shallow 😉). A quick search on this forum showed that some had at least had some success with it.
It arrived today, and I set it up for my MBP in readiness for the Studio. I’ve been pretty impressed so far. The MBP works fine with it. I can at last use an external as my main screen at my desk. And it has a handy KVM built in so I can easily use it with both Macs.
I’m sure this monitor has issues for people who want it for a “specific purpose” but my use case is more general - doing some AI stuff mostly. My photo/video work is very basic, and I don’t game (although I may well dabble in the future). As a “general purpose” monitor, I think it’s pretty great. A good buy.