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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2013
A number of unfortunate suckers have reported issues with M1 iMacs automatically unmounting external (USB) drives. I'm one of those.

Bought M1 iMac, updated to Monterey 12.0.something before fully setting up the machine, and had my externals (three USB drives, four partitions) randomly disconnecting within hours. At times it would hold for up to two days. I'd get the 'Don't unplug blah-blah' message (when I haven't touched a thing, or the drive would simply quietly disappear from Finder.

I rolled back to Big Sur and now have a worse problem: one drive has corrupted (with First Aid unable to repair it – haven't yet Erased the drive to try again) and my Time Machine partition stopped functioning. Erase the TM partition, re-started Time Machine and it failed again within minutes.

Back to Monterey: I want to update to 12.1 and I'm hoping somebody that has experienced the drive unmounting problem can tell me they've been okay on 12.1. ?

My only other option is to return the Mac, but since this is my work computer that is going to be highly problematic (because the story will do a bunch of tests taking many days, it probably won't happen while it's there, and I will be back to square 1).
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