Couple of new web based video solutions...
Zillion TV
Roku adds Amazon Video on Demand
Zillion TV
Unlike some other Internet-to-TV services, such as Netflix's movie rental service, ZillionTV does not require a subscription. It also doesn't require users to buy an expensive box, such as Microsoft's Xbox 360, Apple's AppleTV, or even Roku's $99 digital video player. Instead, for a nominal activation fee of less than $50, users will get the Z-bar and remote. And then they will be able to view up to 15,000 titles of TV shows and movies through the service without having to sign up for a monthly subscription.
Roku adds Amazon Video on Demand
Users can browse Amazon's Video on Demand menu right form the TV, or they can watch movies or TV shows that have already been downloaded from the service to their computers. Current Roku customers will receive a free and automatic update so they can access the Amazon Video on Demand service.
Twerdahl says the Netflix and Amazon deals are just the beginning for Roku. Ultimately, he said Roku hopes to provide consumers with a replacement for cable service.
"Our mission is to help you cut your cable cord," he said. "We want you to be able to watch anything from the Internet on your TV. And we are working with content providers and we'll be releasing an SDK soon to allow content owners to create their own channels."