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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 6, 2008
With the re-emergence of the 4" iPhone form factor, it begs the question, will there be more special edition products coming?

It's not uncommon for companies to re-release successful products from the past. A kind of retro strategy that brings back fond memories of simpler times. Many athletic shoe companies do this.

I know I would love to see an Apple Cube re-issued with an accompanying 4K display. How about an Classic original iPod with moving scroll wheel but equipped with a 128gb SSD?
Although these would be limited quantity runs and wouldn't be cheap to manufacture, I think they would sell out despite a high price tag.

I know it's pie in the sky dreaming, but heck, it's Apple's 40th...maybe they're feeling nostalgic too?
I know I would love to see an Apple Cube re-issued with an accompanying 4K display. How about an Classic original iPod with moving scroll wheel but equipped with a 128gb SSD?
Although these would be limited quantity runs and wouldn't be cheap to manufacture, I think they would sell out despite a high price tag.

I think people who would want a special edition of older products like that are in the minority and probably restricted mainly to Apple fans. We know that Apple isn't one to dwell on the past as Tim said in the last keynote so I see that as very unlikely.

The reason Apple is selling the SE is because people actually want a 4 inch phone and given that it reuses many of the 5s parts it's also cheaper to continue manufacturing compared to something like the iPod classic which hasn't been made in several years and the production lines have been shut down.
With the re-emergence of the 4" iPhone form factor, it begs the question, will there be more special edition products coming?
Maybe, but only if they feel it will be commercially successful. If the SE is not a success, at least how Apple views success, then the odds of other Special Edition products is that much lower.

It's not uncommon for companies to re-release successful products from the past.
I'd say the iPhone SE is not a rerelease, but a new phone using the 5s form factor to address the 4" market segment. I think its less of apple wanting to tap nostalgia, more about not investing a lot of R&D to develop a 4" phone with a new design.
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I'd love to see a 2006 24" iMac case with new (and accessible) innards. Or a scaled down Power Mac 8600/9600/G3 minitower case, sold in 0/0 config. Or anything that's unapologetically fat and expandable, really.
Reports of lackluster sales will probably dampen any future "SE" products
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