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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 1, 2017
am still having problems starting up ... it still keeps starting up erratically and freezing (apparently randomly) in the middle of the startup sequence.

I thought that I would minimize all the items in my startup sequence and see if that helped.

However, the startup sequence seems to have a mind of its own. I de-checked virtually all the programs in the boot sequence. I also double checked that they're also unchecked when I look at them in the dock (the option "open at Login" is NOT checked).

And yet, somehow they all start up anyhow. I noticed that it seems to freeze more often when I'm in the MAIL program, but sometimes in other programs as well...

Can't figure this out!

any feedback would be welcome.

Get to the finder and open System Preferences.

Go to the "users & groups" pref pane.

Click the lock in the lower left corner and enter your password.

Now, click the "+" sign and create a NEW user.

Give it administrative privileges.
Name it something like "temp" and give it an easy password.

Once created, you have a "second, new & clean account".
Log out of the "regular" account, and log into the new one.
DON'T load it up with login options, etc. Keep it "lean and clean".

Try booting and running with it a little.

Do things change significantly?
thank you for that - a most capital suggestion!

okay, I did as you said. Before I shut down last night, I created a new user account: "Clean Login." Absolutely no login options, no nothing.

Then I logged out as "Will Friedwald" (my name and regular account) and logged back in as ""Clean Login."

Then I shut down for the evening.

This morning, I expected that it would automatically start me up into the "Clean" account, but instead, it automatically started me up into WF.

And, when starting up in the WF account, I hit the crash again.

So, I restarted with a safe boot. From there I logged out as WF and then logged back in as Clean.

(hope this isn't too confusing!)

Then, once in the CLEAN account, I restarted.

When it restarted, once again to my surprise, it automatically restarted me as WF. (to my surprise.)

No idea why it did that ... but at least this time when it restarted (as WF) I didn't get the crash this time. (It's kind of random... sometimes I actually don't get it during a startup)

So I still don't know what's going on... and not sure why it almost always logs me back into WF, even when I don't ask it to.

Thanks again for any suggestions!

So I still don't know what's going on... and not sure why it almost always logs me back into WF, even when I don't ask it to.
Thanks again for any suggestions!
You need to change your "Automatic login:" to Off (you have to select which User to login and enter the account Password at boot up) or the new "Clean Login".

Go to System Preferences...>Users & Groups, click the Padlock icon (lower left) and enter the account User Password, then select Login Options.
System Preferences001.jpg

Change the "Automatic login:" pulldown (upper center) to Off or Clean Login.
System Preferences002.jpg
Ah! that explains it ... or something! thank you very much.

Will try and report back to you!

thanks. Yes, I was able to log in to the new account, CLEAN LOGIN.

And also yes, when I log in there, nothing weird happens. Everything functions as it should.

of course, there's nothing in there ... I not only have no startup sequence, but most of the APPs that I use (some of which are very crucial to me) have to be re-licensed, re-installed, re-updated whatever. It's going to be a lot of work, but I guess this makes the most sense!

thanks for everything,

Seems to me that the problems with your "regular" account are that you may be trying to load things at startup that "clog things up", or are perhaps using applications that slow everything down (perhaps by filling up the OS with "runaway processes" the consume CPU power or disk space).

THIS is why when you boot to the new, temporary, "clean" account, you DON'T see problems.

If you move stuff over and set things up just as they're set up in the regular account, you may start getting the same slowdowns.

Tell us what "login options" you are using on the regular account.
I'll bet you're using some apps that really clog things up.

My recommendation:
Don't load ANY apps at bootup. Get things up and running and THEN open them.
Load as few as other startup items as possible. Do you really need that stuff?
thanks. Yes, I was able to log in to the new account, CLEAN LOGIN.

And also yes, when I log in there, nothing weird happens. Everything functions as it should.

of course, there's nothing in there ... I not only have no startup sequence, but most of the APPs that I use (some of which are very crucial to me) have to be re-licensed, re-installed, re-updated whatever. It's going to be a lot of work, but I guess this makes the most sense!

thanks for everything,

Seems to me that the problems with your "regular" account are that you may be trying to load things at startup that "clog things up", or are perhaps using applications that slow everything down (perhaps by filling up the OS with "runaway processes" the consume CPU power or disk space).

THIS is why when you boot to the new, temporary, "clean" account, you DON'T see problems.

If you move stuff over and set things up just as they're set up in the regular account, you may start getting the same slowdowns.

Tell us what "login options" you are using on the regular account.
I'll bet you're using some apps that really clog things up.

My recommendation:
Don't load ANY apps at bootup. Get things up and running and THEN open them.
Load as few as other startup items as possible. Do you really need that stuff?

Good idea!

follow-up questions / points:

1. Okay, this is still weird - virtually NOTHING is checked in LOGIN OPTIONS (in SYSTEM PREFEFENCES) and they are also not checked in the dock options, but a dozen or so programs open at login anyway, in spite of that. Why are they opening if they're not checked in SYSTEM PREREFENCES or the options in their icons in the dock?

2. I could make a manual list of what's opening at STARTUP, but I am sure that I would miss some things.

3. Is there any way to use TERMINAL (or something else?) to make an actual list of everything that's going on during the STARTUP process?

thanks again for any and all feedback!

Okay, this is still weird - virtually NOTHING is checked in LOGIN OPTIONS (in SYSTEM PREFEFENCES) and they are also not checked in the dock options, but a dozen or so programs open at login anyway, in spite of that. Why are they opening if they're not checked in SYSTEM PREREFENCES or the options in their icons in the dock?

Checking/unchecking programs (in Login items tab for the specific user under System Preferences > Users and Groups) only controls if the programs will start with windows visible or hidden (minimized). If you want to prevent a program from starting when logging in, you need to click a login item and remove it from the list by pressing the "-" sign below the list of login items.

You can also temporarily prevent login items, see:
Displaying your startup software is a good result of running the utility EtreCheck.
Download that app, then run it while booted to your problem account. Post the results list here, and someone can help you interpret that list.
thanks very much! here is the ETRECHECK result - again, am grateful for any feedback:

[not loaded] 8 Apple tasks
[loaded] 150 Apple tasks
[running] 81 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
[not loaded] 48 Apple tasks
[loaded] 152 Apple tasks
[running] 90 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
[running] com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotify.agent.plist (2017-01-21) [Support]
[loaded] com.paragon-software.facebook.agent.plist (2017-01-21) [Support]
[failed] com.paragon-software.ntfs.automount.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]
[loaded] com.paragon.updater.plist (2017-01-21) [Support]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
[loaded] com.cocoatech.pathfinder.SMFHelper7.plist (2017-03-15) [Support]
[loaded] com.cyberghostsrl.CyberghostPrivilegedHelper.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
[running] com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotify.daemon.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]
[running] com.paragon-software.installer.plist (2016-12-23) [Support]
[loaded] com.paragon.NTFS.launch.plist (2016-11-29)
[loaded] com.rogueamoeba.instanton-agent.plist (2016-02-15) [Support]
[running] com.stclairsoft.AppTamerAgent.plist (2017-04-05) [Support]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
[failed] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist (2012-08-08) [Support] - /Applications/Adobe Reader Updater Reader Updater Helper: Executable not found!
[loaded] com.bittorrent.uTorrent.plist (2017-01-16) Adware! [Remove]
[failed] (2012-08-18) [Support] - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GoogleContactSync.framework/Versions/A/Resources/gconsync: Executable not found!
[loaded] (2017-01-15) [Support]
[running] com.spigot.ApplicationManager.plist (2017-01-16) Adware! [Remove]
~/Library/Application Support/Spigot/ApplicationManager
[loaded] com.spotify.webhelper.plist (2016-09-03) [Support]
[running] ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist (2015-08-20) [Support]

User Login Items: ⓘ
iTunesHelper Application Hidden (2017-03-27)
YouSendIt Desktop App Application
(/Volumes/Yosemite/Applications/YouSendIt Desktop
Google Drive Application Hidden
AudioSwitcher Application Hidden
WeatherMan Lite Application
Firefox Application
TextEdit Application
Clean Text Application
Contacts Application
Swinsian Application
HoudahSpot Application
Calendar Application
PenAutoLaunch Application (2012-08-01)
AutoLaunchForConnect Application (2012-08-01)
Skype Application
Messages Application
Notes Application
LaunchBar Application
VLC Application
Rogue Amoeba Schedule Helper Application
(/Volumes/Yosemite/Library/Application Support/Audio Hijack Pro/Rogue Amoeba Schedule
Mail Application
App Tamer Application Hidden
JDownloader2 Application
(~/bin/JDownloader 2.0/
Safari Application
Public folder
Public folder
AdobeResourceSynchronizer Application Hidden
(/Volumes/Yosemite/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader
Reminders Application
Dropbox Application
Wondershare Helper Compact Application
(~/Library/Application Support/Helper/Wondershare Helper
Wiki Application
Atlas Recall Application
JDownloader2 Application
(/Applications/JDownloader 2.0/
Default Folder X Application
(/Applications/Default Folder

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
FlashPlayer-10.6: - SDK 10.9 (2017-01-10) [Support]
QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2017-02-28)
Flash Player: - SDK 10.9 (2017-01-10) Outdated! Update
JavaAppletPlugin: 15.0.1 - SDK 10.7 (2017-01-24) Check version
Default Browser: 601 - SDK 10.11 (2016-07-08)

User internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin: 1.0.105 (2013-04-25) [Support]

Safari Extensions: ⓘ
AllMyTube - Wondershare Software Co., Ltd. - (2013-07-11)
QuickBrowse - Catalin Andrei Vasiliu - (2016-12-20)
Instapaper - Instapaper Holdings Inc. - (2017-02-10)
Dragon Dictate - Nuance Communications, Inc - (2014-10-08)
Atlas Recall - Atlas Informatics - (2017-03-11) Videos - A Cleaner Internet - (2015-05-15)
1Password - AgileBits - (2013-12-05)
Slick Savings (2015-11-17) Adware! [Remove]

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
Flash Player (2016-12-16) [Support]
Paragon NTFS for Mac® (2017-01-21) [Support]
Xmarks for Safari (2012-11-22) [Support]

Time Machine: ⓘ
Time Machine not configured!

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
34% WindowServer
29% firefox
7% bird
5% iTunes
4% Google Chrome Helper(16)

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
2.22 GB Google Chrome Helper(16)
1.31 GB
1.28 GB kernel_task
852 MB firefox
705 MB Swinsian

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
2.21 GB Available RAM
42 MB Free RAM
13.79 GB Used RAM
2.17 GB Cached files
370 MB Swap Used

Diagnostics Information: ⓘ
Apr 6, 2017, 09:24:01 AM ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/SystemSensor_2017-04-06-092401_[redacted].crash
Apr 6, 2017, 08:41:46 AM ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/SystemSensor_2017-04-06-084146_[redacted].crash
Apr 6, 2017, 07:51:21 AM Self test - passed
Apr 5, 2017, 12:45:01 AM ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/[redacted].crash

Print out the list from Etrecheck above.

Then, log OUT of your regular account and log INTO the temp account.

Then run Etrecheck again.

Print out those results, too.

Then compare side-by-side.

Print out the list from Etrecheck above.

Then, log OUT of your regular account and log INTO the temp account.

Then run Etrecheck again.

Print out those results, too.

Then compare side-by-side.

WF: yes, okay, will get to that! thanks!

You will notice immediately that your "User Login Items" part of that etrecheck list will be MUCH shorter in your temp account. (I don't have any user login items)
And, very quickly, there are 3 or 4 lines that show "adware (remove)"
You should click on each (remove), and Etrecheck will take care of those few items for you.

You can probably go to your System Preferences, then to Users & Groups. Click on Login Items.
Consider removing EVERYTHING from that list, so that window is blank - unless you have one or two items that you REALLY NEED to start up when you log in.
Don't just click "Hide" - click on the item to select it, then hit your delete key to remove. Nothing happens to the app itself. It just won't start at the time that you login.
Your startup will turn out to be much faster - so you can use your Mac.

The OTHER tip that I have: download and run Malwarebytes. That will clear off the rest of your adware - or will run clean, informing you that it didn't find anything (which is a Good Thing™ )
  • Like
Reactions: jbarley
thank you for the information & recommendations. Very helpful!

thanks very much!

Okay, here is the EtreCheck report for my CLEAN LOGIN account - and thanks again for all the feedback!


EtreCheck version: 3.1.5 (343)

Report generated 2017-04-09 07:13:25

Download EtreCheck from

Runtime 3:20

Performance: Good

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.

Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: Apps are crashing

[Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]

Mac Pro - model: MacPro3,1

2 3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (Xeon(R)) CPU: 8-core

16 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions]


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok


2 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM 800 MHz ok

Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported 2008 REV 0.4 Music Streamer +

Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub

Logitech USB Trackball

Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard

Generic USB Ear-Microphone

VIA Labs, Inc. USB3.0 Hub 4 TB

Seagate BUP BK 4 TB

disk6s1 (disk6s1) <not mounted> : 134 MB

BK_Seagate Backup Plus Drive (disk6s2) /Volumes/BK_Seagate Backup Plus Drive : 4.00 TB (2.22 TB free)

VIA Labs, Inc. USB3.0 Hub

VIA Labs, Inc. USB3.0 Hub

VIA Labs, Inc. USB3.0 Hub

VIA Labs, Inc. USB3.0 Hub

VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub

VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub

VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub 704.2 MB

VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub 704.2 MB

VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub 704.2 MB

MediaTek Inc MT1956 704.2 MB

disk5s1 (disk5s1) <not mounted> : 69 MB

disk5s2 (disk5s2) <not mounted> : 82 MB

disk5s3 (disk5s3) <not mounted> : 63 MB

disk5s4 (disk5s4) <not mounted> : 60 MB

disk5s5 (disk5s5) <not mounted> : 54 MB

disk5s6 (disk5s6) <not mounted> : 63 MB

disk5s7 (disk5s7) <not mounted> : 70 MB

disk5s8 (disk5s8) <not mounted> : 78 MB

disk5s9 (disk5s9) <not mounted> : 56 MB

disk5s10 (disk5s10) <not mounted> : 55 MB

disk5s11 (disk5s11) <not mounted> : 54 MB


[loaded] com.paragon-software.filesystems.ntfs (14.3.318 - SDK 10.5 - 2017-03-27) [Support]


[loaded] com.paragon-software.facebook.agent.plist (2017-01-21) [Support]

[loaded] com.paragon-software.ntfs.automount.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]

[loaded] com.paragon.updater.plist (2017-01-21) [Support]


[loaded] com.cyberghostsrl.CyberghostPrivilegedHelper.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]

[running] com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotify.daemon.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]

[running] com.paragon-software.installer.plist (2016-12-23) [Support]

[loaded] com.paragon.NTFS.launch.plist (2016-11-29)

[loaded] com.rogueamoeba.instanton-agent.plist (2016-02-15) [Support]

[loaded] com.stclairsoft.AppTamerAgent.plist (2017-04-05) [Support]


QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2017-02-28)

Flash Player: - SDK 10.9 (2017-01-10) Outdated! Update

JavaAppletPlugin: 15.0.1 - SDK 10.7 (2017-01-24) Check version

Default Browser: 601 - SDK 10.11 (2016-07-08)


Paragon NTFS for Mac® (2017-01-21) [Support]

Xmarks for Safari (2012-11-22) [Support]

Time Machine:

Time Machine not configured!

Top Processes by CPU:

57% mds

17% mdworker(21)

13% mds_stores

5% WindowServer

4% FileStatsAgent

Top Processes by Memory:

1.62 GB mds_stores

1.11 GB kernel_task

836 MB mdworker(21)

590 MB

524 MB softwareupdated

Virtual Memory Information:

9.12 GB Available RAM

5.11 GB Free RAM

6.88 GB Used RAM

4.02 GB Cached files

0 B Swap Used

Diagnostics Information:

Apr 9, 2017, 07:07:14 AM Self test - passed
I would put back all of the checks that were there, so that you can see if there are any pop-up messages stating an error or remove them from the list altogether as suggested by DeltaMac. You have a number of programs starting that require passwords such as dropbox. Have you changed any passwords for these services that may be out of synch with these programs that are trying to start? That could cause a hang.
Keep in mind that items in the login items list, checked, or not checked, still start up with your user.
The check simply tells the system that you do not want your Dock to show that the app is running (hidden).
The only way to prevent an app listed in that list, from loading on startup, is to remove it from that list entirely.
Launch it when you use it. Takes very little time on first launch, and later should be virtually instantaneous.
And, it won't be bogging down your system on first boot!
You've simpy got too much "startup junk" clogging up the computer.
You need to GET RID of those things.

I believe you already created a second, temporary account that runs fine -- thus proving that the startup stuff is the source of your problems.

I suggest you do this:
1. Create a fully-cloned backup to an external drive using CarbonCopyCloner (CCC is FREE to download and use for the first 30 days)
2. Now, log in to your temporary account.
3. Next, DELETE your "original" account -- Wipe it clean!
4. Now, create a NEW account with your original user name and password. MAKE SURE you give it administrative priviliges.
5. Now, log out of the temp account and log into your NEW account.
6. Next, begin "manually migrating" your old data over from the original account (which remains on your cloned backup).
6a. Do this A LITTLE AT A TIME. See special notes below to avoid permissions problems.
7. Lastly, do not, DO NOT, DO NOT attempt to re-create a bunch of "startup apps or login items". Instead, get booted to the finder, and THEN open the apps or documents you need to open and work on.

To avoid permissions problems when re-copying things from backed-up account to the new one, do this:
1. Have the backup connected and its icon showing on the desktop, but DO NOT open it.
2. Click ONE TIME on the icon to select it
3. Type "command-i" (eye) to bring up the get info box
4. Down at the bottom there is an area for "sharing and permissions". If you can't see it, click the disclosure arrow to reveal it.
5. Click the lock icon and enter your password (for the NEW account you just created)
6. Put a check mark in "ignore ownership on this volume"
7. Close the get info box.
Doing this "works around" any permissions problems. The files and folders you copy over will now "assume" the permissions of your new account.

BE AWARE that you CANNOT copy the "main subfolders" from your old account to the new one.
That means, you can't copy the folders named "Pictures", "Music", "Documents", "Movies", etc.
However -- you CAN copy the CONTENTS of this folders -- one file, many files, internally-nested folders, etc.
Some note-taking may be required -- also some patience.

The idea is to move all the relevant stuff from the old (and messed-up) account to the new (and clean) one.
okay, this is what I have been doing:

I removed virtually every app from the start-up sequence.

The only thing left in are few "background" programs.

Now, I start every app I need manually.

The result: for a few days absolutely no crashes.

But then, I just had a mysterious crash in the middle of trying to use SAFARI.

(It's crashed during SAFARI before, also doing Mac MAIL... am now trying to avoid those programs, which is possibly foolish.)

worst thing was that this crash made me lose a few hours of work in MS Word. From now on I gotta use GOOGLE DOCs as often as possible, this is relatively crash-proof!

okay, this is what I have been doing:

I removed virtually every app from the start-up sequence.

The only thing left in are few "background" programs.

Now, I start every app I need manually.

The result: for a few days absolutely no crashes.

But then, I just had a mysterious crash in the middle of trying to use SAFARI.

(It's crashed during SAFARI before, also doing Mac MAIL... am now trying to avoid those programs, which is possibly foolish.)

worst thing was that this crash made me lose a few hours of work in MS Word. From now on I gotta use GOOGLE DOCs as often as possible, this is relatively crash-proof!



now I can ONLY startup via SAFE BOOT - I can not startup via regular boot at all.

I just got rid of the last few items in the LOGIN ITEMS OPTIONS, so now there's nothing in there ... nothing at all. no idea if this will help or not.

You've simpy got too much "startup junk" clogging up the computer.
You need to GET RID of those things.

I believe you already created a second, temporary account that runs fine -- thus proving that the startup stuff is the source of your problems.

I suggest you do this:
1. Create a fully-cloned backup to an external drive using CarbonCopyCloner (CCC is FREE to download and use for the first 30 days)
2. Now, log in to your temporary account.
3. Next, DELETE your "original" account -- Wipe it clean!
4. Now, create a NEW account with your original user name and password. MAKE SURE you give it administrative priviliges.
5. Now, log out of the temp account and log into your NEW account.
6. Next, begin "manually migrating" your old data over from the original account (which remains on your cloned backup).
6a. Do this A LITTLE AT A TIME. See special notes below to avoid permissions problems.
7. Lastly, do not, DO NOT, DO NOT attempt to re-create a bunch of "startup apps or login items". Instead, get booted to the finder, and THEN open the apps or documents you need to open and work on.

To avoid permissions problems when re-copying things from backed-up account to the new one, do this:
1. Have the backup connected and its icon showing on the desktop, but DO NOT open it.
2. Click ONE TIME on the icon to select it
3. Type "command-i" (eye) to bring up the get info box
4. Down at the bottom there is an area for "sharing and permissions". If you can't see it, click the disclosure arrow to reveal it.
5. Click the lock icon and enter your password (for the NEW account you just created)
6. Put a check mark in "ignore ownership on this volume"
7. Close the get info box.
Doing this "works around" any permissions problems. The files and folders you copy over will now "assume" the permissions of your new account.

BE AWARE that you CANNOT copy the "main subfolders" from your old account to the new one.
That means, you can't copy the folders named "Pictures", "Music", "Documents", "Movies", etc.
However -- you CAN copy the CONTENTS of this folders -- one file, many files, internally-nested folders, etc.
Some note-taking may be required -- also some patience.

The idea is to move all the relevant stuff from the old (and messed-up) account to the new (and clean) one.


WF: hi - not sure if you saw the latest updates. what's happening now is that I Can ONLY start up into SAFE mode.

Whenever I try a normal startup, it freezes and crashes halfway through the startup process.

so I don't even get to the point where I get to the login screen, and I can choose which account to log in!

I believe it is NOT the fault of the hardware, this is a brand new SSD drive - if the drive were buggy, I would not be able to startup into
SAFE Mode either.

as you say it's a start-up / login items issue.

So here is what I think I will do:

1. make a complete clone of the current startup drive.
(I hope that I can do that in SAFE BOOT mode...)
(PS: I have been using SUPER DUPER, rather than CARBON COPY CLONER... that shouldn't make any difference...)

2. then reinstall a whole new operating system on the drive.

3. I guess the idea then is to NOT migrate anything from the old system, just copy the apps one at a time.

(the most difficult part is the various non-Apple pieces of software, which means that I have to somehow dig up all those license numbers and serial numbers etc. that's the part I am NOT looking forward to ... I use DEFAULT FOLDER, Paragon NTFS, PathFinder etc... these three are all particularly essential...)

okay, thank you ....

Happy Easter Everybody!

Last edited:

WF: hi - not sure if you saw the latest updates. what's happening now is that I Can ONLY start up into SAFE mode.

Whenever I try a normal startup, it freezes and crashes halfway through the startup process.

so I don't even get to the point where I get to the login screen, and I can choose which account to log in!

I believe it is NOT the fault of the hardware, this is a brand new SSD drive - if the drive were buggy, I would not be able to startup into
SAFE Mode either.

as you say it's a start-up / login items issue.

So here is what I think I will do:

1. make a complete clone of the current startup drive.
(I hope that I can do that in SAFE BOOT mode...)
(PS: I have been using SUPER DUPER, rather than CARBON COPY CLONER... that shouldn't make any difference...)

2. then reinstall a whole new operating system on the drive.

3. I guess the idea then is to NOT migrate anything from the old system, just copy the apps one at a time.

(the most difficult part is the various non-Apple pieces of software, which means that I have to somehow dig up all those license numbers and serial numbers etc. that's the part I am NOT looking forward to ... I use DEFAULT FOLDER, Paragon NTFS, PathFinder etc... these three are all particularly essential...)

okay, thank you ....

Happy Easter Everybody!



update to my own post from this morning:

okay, I reinstalled the OS. I used the 10.11.16 repair partition.

however, I seem to recall that a few years ago there were two kinds of re-installs:

A - a "gentle" one that left all of one's apps and documents etc in tact.
B - a more draconian / severe reinstall that wiped out all the old apps & everything else.

I would have picked option "B" - that would have more likely wiped away all my problems, I would hope.

But no, the repair partition did NOT give me any options, it just went and reinstalled.

And it looks like it went ahead and implemented option A - the kinder, gentler re-install. If it works I will be happy, since I do not have to through licensing all those programs etc.

here's hoping.

again, if anybody has any feedback, I would be very grateful!


so yesterday I reinstalled the OS... and all day it worked without a crash.

then, this morning, I started fine, but got the crash about ten minutes in.

one thing I noticed: I am using the airdroid program to connect with my phone, and I noticed that when my phone is on AND then I startup, it automatically starts the airdroid program, even though it is not in my login items. I guess when the phone is on, it triggers the program during startup?

Okay, I have turned off airdroid in the mac ... will see if that makes a difference ... I hope I can figure out what's causing this!

again grateful for any feedback!


PS: I have been logging into the old account (which is now completely clean of login / startup items), am going to start building up the new completely clean account, which will never have any login / startup items!)
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