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macrumors Core
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
so yeah it finally happened, i have more music than can fit on my 15 gig iPod. im a moody music listener and thats why it is important for me to carry around as much music as possible, i know i could just sell my pod and get the 40 gig or whatever else may be comming out but thats just not feesable to me right now....

so anyways sorry for the small rant, my question is what do you do to manage what music goes onto your pod when you have a larger library than can fit on it. i dont want to uncheck songs because then they wont be played on my computer.....i could manage the tracks myself or create playlists and have those automatically updated, but what do you all prefer and do?
Damn, I can't imagine not having all my songs with me... that sucks. That's why I got the 40 though, I'm already at around 25GB, and growing fast! I would just get a new iPod!!

Lee Tom
Unfortunately I've got the same problem, just having filled my 2G 10GB iPod. So far I've just used the unchecking method, but as you say that means it won't play on the computer either. I was thinking of making two playlists, one including the music I must have, and one to randomly choose the rest. And maybe a third to have recently added music available.

I did have a question though. Just about all of my music is in albums, is there some way to get iTunes to choose full albums and not just random songs from different albums when I switch to the playlist method? (It's not much of a deal now as I'm just over, but it will of course get worse as I add more songs).
I have a similar situation, 15G iPod and 65GB library. I don't use the check marks next to songs but instead manage it all by syncing select playlists. I used to just manually drag albums on and off but as this didn't sync the play counts and last played data I changed to using playlists.

Since I like to rotate items on and off I use a lot of different smart playlists to move items off the iPod by using the play count and last played variables. When more space frees up I just create and sync a different playlist. For things I always want on iPod I just create one normal playlist and drag any albums there.

I've found this helps me to re-discover music that I ripped but hadn't listened to in a while as it got lost in my bookshelf full of CD's.

I don't see this as a hardship at all.

I have a 50G music library and a 15GB iPod, which is usually only about 1/3 full. When I buy something new I usually add it to my iPod. Once in a while I realize I don't listen to something on the iPod anymore, so I remove it. It's just simple management.
I've always had this problem, even with my 40 gig iPod. I just learned to deal with it, I guess.

Sadly, I lost my iPod about 8 weeks ago, and ordered a mini instead so I can wait for the next generation iPod. Now, the mini is a difficult thing to manage, since you can fill 4 gigs of music--I ripped in high bit format--very quickly.

My mini is basically my favorite songs at this point. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it for the size, but it'll be more work over time.

I don't think the 60 GB will be enough room for me, but it'll be much better. Until then, I'm loving the mini.
PlaceofDis said:
so anyways sorry for the small rant, my question is what do you do to manage what music goes onto your pod when you have a larger library than can fit on it
I have a 5GB iPod, yet by force of habit I keep almost/at least 4.5GB free on my iPod at all times. I only transfer the playlists I'm going to want to listen to, as well as a separate playlist for songs I listen to a lot. I find it a f***ing pain in the ass to transfer every playlist from iTunes to my iPod. If there was a "Select all playlist" option for iTunes, or even the ability to shift-click playlists, I would have done so. But it gets to be too much work for me, so I only transfer to my iPod what I'll need.
King Cobra said:
I find it a f***ing pain in the ass to transfer every playlist from iTunes to my iPod. If there was a "Select all playlist" option for iTunes, or even the ability to shift-click playlists, I would have done so.

Can't you sync a 5GB iPod...??? I can select which playlists to go on my iPod mini, some regular and a couple of smart ones, and the mini synchronizes when connected... It updates play count and last played removes and adds songs according to changes in the playlists...
I could use the auto-sync, but mainly by force of habit, I don't do that. I don't want to do that in case I only want to connect my iPod to my computer to transfer a vCard or a text file to it. (There are iPod hacks that allow you to read custom text files from the iPod itself.) So if I connect my iPod to my computer for non-sync purposes, it'll sync anyways, and I can't turn that option on or off unless I first connect my iPod.
King Cobra said:
I could use the auto-sync, but mainly by force of habit, I don't do that. I don't want to do that in case I only want to connect my iPod to my computer to transfer a vCard or a text file to it. (There are iPod hacks that allow you to read custom text files from the iPod itself.) So if I connect my iPod to my computer for non-sync purposes, it'll sync anyways, and I can't turn that option on or off unless I first connect my iPod.

Aah... I don't mind it to auto-sync, in fact I think it just fine... ;)

I haven't tried it, but will it auto-sync if you uncheck the "Open iTunes when attached" and have the "Enable disk use" checked also...??
one of the restrictions i have with my playlist is NO SONGS I DON'T LIKE!! i used to keep just everything on there, full cds everything, my list was large but half i never ever listened to, ever, and i never wanted to, so i'm always getting rid of things i don't like, it cut my library in half, and i'm much happier about it. those of you with such gigantic librarys might want to try this.
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
Then, will it not suit your needs...? :)
Afraid not...most of the time I connect my iPod to my computer, it's to add files to a playlist I already have, and/or to add more playlists, and auto-sync needs to be turned off for that. Besides, on average, more than 80% of the time my computer is on, iTunes is open.
And on a different note...when you delete a playlist from your iPod by selecting it and hitting the delete key, all the songs that were in the playlist stay on your iPod. I think the reason Apple made it like that is if you bring the playlist back to your iPod, you won't have to retransfer all the songs again. But if you are sure you want to delete all the songs from the playlist on your iPod, select specifically the songs you want to remove from your iPod, and hit command-delete. You can do that from a playlist or from the iPod library. The big pain in the neck is thinking that if you delete a playlist from your iPod, you'll also delete all the songs in it. The songs, however, will still remain in iPod library. So make a note of that when freeing up space on your iPod for more songs.
I too ran out of room on my 15GB iPod. Looking at the Apple store, even with the Educational Discount, I couldn't justify spending $469 for a 40GB. But THEN I REMEMBERED REFURBS. I sold my 15 to a friend for $150, then I bought a refurbed 40 for $369. I could see NO difference between the refurbed and a brand new.
King Cobra said:
The big pain in the neck is thinking that if you delete a playlist from your iPod, you'll also delete all the songs in it. The songs, however, will still remain in iPod library. So make a note of that when freeing up space on your iPod for more songs.

I just gave my wife an iPod mini on Thursday, she was VERY happy ;). Anyway, here's my question: if she deletes a song from the iTunes library will that song be removed from the iPod the next time she syncs? Or does she have to delete it from the iPod itself?
DVDSP said:
I just gave my wife an iPod mini on Thursday, she was VERY happy ;). Anyway, here's my question: if she deletes a song from the iTunes library will that song be removed from the iPod the next time she syncs? Or does she have to delete it from the iPod itself?
It depends on your synchronization settings. If you have auto-sync turned on, then yes, the song will be removed from the iPod. If it's off, then no, you must delete it manually (which is done from within iTunes).
wrldwzrd89 said:
It depends on your synchronization settings. If you have auto-sync turned on, then yes, the song will be removed from the iPod. If it's off, then no, you must delete it manually (which is done from within iTunes).

OK, good. I kept auto-sync on for her 'cause she wants everything to be as simple as possible. I'm happy to hear it will work that way.

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