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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2009
Bronx, NY
Hi everybody,

I've got an eMac and I'm about to buy myself another one to hold me over until I can spring for a new Mac, and I just can't understand the networking deal. I want to share my cable internet connection with my second eMac that's coming soon and I want to go with wires. No airport. But this is what's bugging me out. When I look for routers on line, information about them states that you have to have a network card. Huh? What network card? Do I need an airport card installed to use a wired router? If so, then why? It seems to me that you should be able to just plug your computers into the thing and boom. Me no get. :confused: Any replies will be greatly appreciated.

The network card is in the computer, assuming you have an ethernet port (the big phone-jack looking port). In PC"s it is an actual card thats installed in the back, but its built-in to the eMacs (and all other macs, save for the Mac Pro where it is a removable card as well I believe). You should be good with just a router assuming both eMacs have ethernet ports!
The references to an Airport card would only come into play if you wanted to connect one or both of them wirelessly. Since you are intending to hardwire them with ethernet cables, no worries. Well OK, no worries as long as the router you get has some ethernet ports on it!;) There are a few wireless only routers out there, but they are in the minority.
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