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Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
Right now I have open: iChat Bezel, iTunes Bezel, iTunes Remote, and Uptime Bar.

Which are your favorites/which do you use the most?
most used widgets

the Weather, Where Is It, Widget organizer 1, CompactAirPort
wow, this is so funny. I just happened to download konfobulator! So far, I really like the weather widget. BTW, how do you get more than the 10 or so it comes with?

Edit: sorry, I found the extra widgets website
I think if you go to the konfabulator menu in the menu bar and click ichat bezel while holding shift it should quit.
Then try control, or command, or one of dem buttons over on the lower left of the keyboard in place of shift. :p
Effects on system?

I'd like to purchase and begin using Konfabualtor but am concerend about it modifying anything on m system (and breaking it) and performance issues. Would like to run it on a 600 MHz iMac?

Comments? SUggestions??
chrome clock
disk space
iCal ToDo
The Weather
Thesaurus-Dictionary (written by me. hope to have it gallery soon)
Uptime Bar
Widget Optimizer
The Weather
CPU Portal
and sometimes flipCount
Originally posted by rdowns
I'd like to purchase and begin using Konfabualtor but am concerend about it modifying anything on m system (and breaking it) and performance issues. Would like to run it on a 600 MHz iMac?

Comments? SUggestions??
Konfabulator itself isn't such a processor hog. Widgets, on the other hand, can be. I'd simply recommend only using a few widgets at a time, and avoiding the processor hogs.

The app doesn't modify any parts of the system (off topic, but I've never had a problem with any apps that do modify the system). And generally, OS X doesn't "break" like OS 9 did.

Performance of any app will be better if you've got a healthy amount of RAM, too (at least 512 MB).
Originally posted by neoelectronaut
Then try control, or command, or one of dem buttons over on the lower left of the keyboard in place of shift. :p

hmmm....that didnt work either. I just made them comletely translucent so you cant see the widget.
The one I have used most often lately has been Battleship to occupy my time. I used to use the battery meter, show desktop, and widescape weather, but the weather widget stopped working, show desktop was replaced by Exposé, and I realized I don't need yet another battery meter running. I don't like the Weather widget that comes with the install much because it is so big. I've used the iTunes remote a few times, too, before discovering the cool remote like minimize that iTunes does when you click the green circle. I'd get more into the tetris game and minesweeper game widgets if I had a second mouse button, too.
I agree, the weather widget is a little big for my taste and I coud do without the cloud in the corner. I was looking for a way to resize it, but I dont think it can be done,
Okay this is just one guy's opinion.

I played with Konfabulator a bit, and some of the widgets quite purty I must agree. However $25 seems like a lot just for providing a "framework". Also, I rarely have much desktop exposed which limits access to the widgets without other widgets being used just to get at them. :D

So I've gone back to menubar-based tools for the things I want to monitor. My faves are Menu Meters and Meteorologist - both are free. On those occasions when I want a transparent desktop monitor of my console log, the system log, or "top", I use Geek Tool.
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