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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 10, 2013
Dear Forum members

I've just purchased a MacBook Air. Having been an lifelong windows PC / laptop user, I'm still navigating around

1. What are the most "wow" features in MacBook Air that I should NOT miss ? Other than the thin size etc, what are the major feature or overwhelming advantages over a windows 7 laptop ? I've also been a MS XL, win word etc user so that's another learning curve ... but I'm talking about things at the amazing / must have / wow ! level over a windows laptop

2. Whats the most value for money virus checking that I should install

3. On Windows, I run Mozilla FF with ad blocker. Does that work on Safari on Mac ?

best regards


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Battery life. Build quality. Aftersales support.

For me, those are the three things that puts the MBA (or any portable Mac for that matter) over the vast majority of Windows laptops.


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
The MBA's biggest wow IMO is its battery life relative to its compact form factor. And of course macOS itself.

Malware-wise, I agree Malwarebytes is nice in that it is free. If you need something that can scan for Windows viruses, ESET's Cybersecurity is pretty solid - with that said, if you are worried only about Mac infections, it's arguably unnecessary.

Popup blockers work on Macs - if available for your preferred browser, check out uBlock Origin + uBlock Extra. IMO it is far superior to the more common adblockers.


macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2010
I would add "long life." We're still using 2011 and 2012 MBAs. Only replaced the batteries. One been used as a developer laptop, the other 4 years of college, then afterward. All running 10.12 (waiting on 10.13.1!).
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 10, 2013
thanks a ton for ALL the replies above
Let me start with the ad blockers and see how it goes
The MBA's biggest wow IMO is its battery life relative to its compact form factor. And of course macOS itself.

Malware-wise, I agree Malwarebytes is nice in that it is free. If you need something that can scan for Windows viruses, ESET's Cybersecurity is pretty solid - with that said, if you are worried only about Mac infections, it's arguably unnecessary.

Popup blockers work on Macs - if available for your preferred browser, check out uBlock Origin + uBlock Extra. IMO it is far superior to the more common adblockers.

AS of now, I am worried about Mac only malware / virus etc
my windows and MacBook Air laptops are separate at least as of now
[doublepost=1509200440][/doublepost]one more question AS I am from the windows world

I installed Adblock plus from the safari extensions gallery ... Seems to be working so far

I downloaded a version of Adblock pus, but when I tried to install I was told that there is an Adblock in the safari extensions gallery, so chose the gallery

is it inherently safer to use the safari extensions gallery / safer from a virus / malware / crash etc point of view

what's this safari extensions gallery ? is it something checked by Apple ?



macrumors 65816
Oct 22, 2013
Depending on your internet provider. Comcast provides Norton full system protection for PC and MAC free, and they are not watered-down free versions, using them for a few years.

Bonus, I get to avoid the Russian and Eastern bloc providers, don't know if it makes a difference.
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