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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 10, 2010
I'm planning to get a new HDD for my MBP (15" late 2011) later on in the year, probably close to when ML gets released. My question is when I install a fresh new HDD the MBP will automatically download OSX, if I purchase ML on app store how can I make it automatically download ML instead of Lion?
How can OS X install a fresh copy of OS X on your new HDD if your new HDD has no version of OS X installed?

So, no. Your MBP will not magically install a copy of OS X on it.
The LionDiskMaker works on Mountain Lion. You would need to at least buy and download 10.8 from the Mac AppStore then create an 8GB USB that boots into the install.
How can OS X install a fresh copy of OS X on your new HDD if your new HDD has no version of OS X installed?

So, no. Your MBP will not magically install a copy of OS X on it.

if you plug in a new hdd and the MBP detects that there is no OSX on it then it will automatically download a fresh copy of OSX, my question is how can you make it download ML instead of Lion.
if you plug in a new hdd and the MBP detects that there is no OSX on it then it will automatically download a fresh copy of OSX, my question is how can you make it download ML instead of Lion.

You can't. That is called Lion Internet Recovery, and it is basically online version of the restore discs. My laptop that shipped with Snow Leopard does not magically download Lion. You will have to restore to Lion then purchase Mountain Lion. But the product isn't even released yet. Whine when there is solid evidence one way or the other.
I'm planning to get a new HDD for my MBP (15" late 2011) later on in the year, probably close to when ML gets released. My question is when I install a fresh new HDD the MBP will automatically download OSX, if I purchase ML on app store how can I make it automatically download ML instead of Lion?
I suspect that if you have paid for Mountain Lion, the Internet Recovery option will install Mountain Lion.

You can't. That is called Lion Internet Recovery, and it is basically online version of the restore discs. My laptop that shipped with Snow Leopard does not magically download Lion. You will have to restore to Lion then purchase Mountain Lion. But the product isn't even released yet. Whine when there is solid evidence one way or the other.
The key here is what is paid for. You can do Internet Recovery on Macs that came with Snow Leopard as long as you've paid for and installed Lion. So Internet Recovery should work for Mountain Lion (as long as it is paid for) even if the system originally came with Lion.
if you plug in a new hdd and the MBP detects that there is no OSX on it then it will automatically download a fresh copy of OSX, my question is how can you make it download ML instead of Lion.

It does? Oh, well then sorry about semi-attitude in my original reply.

But as far as ML instead of Lion I'm assuming you'll have to at least wait until ML is out to have your question answered.
I am getting a new HDD too.
Do you gain much by creating a fresh install of lion?

either way I will have to install Snow Leoopard then again install Lion right?
I remember a few months ago, a friend did a restore via Internet Recovery. If I remember correctly, he could enter his Apple ID during the setup and choose to download Lion (that he had bought, the machine was shipped with SL). I was quite drunk at the time, but I think that he could actually choose it before the OS was installed...

Either way, it's not really an issue right now though, is it? And things might change before you will have to use it. So... I mean... Don't look for answers to a problem you don't have, relax and take it easy instead :)
I remember a few months ago, a friend did a restore via Internet Recovery. If I remember correctly, he could enter his Apple ID during the setup and choose to download Lion (that he had bought, the machine was shipped with SL). I was quite drunk at the time, but I think that he could actually choose it before the OS was installed...

You are correct sir.
I have two MacMinis and Two MBA's. I am guessing I will only need to buy ML one time right? This was the case when I upgraded Lion where I bought Lion through my Apple ID as required and I could download it for all my Macs.

Also based on the above comments, wouldn't it be the best idea to do a fresh install with ML through Internet Recovery when it comes out instead of downloading it through the App store? I am planning to try this with my Macs that have Internet Recovery (2011 Macs onwards). Why spend so long downloading the thing just to install it over the old OS when you can do a fresh install right??
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