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macrumors newbie
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Aug 8, 2012
Before Mountain Lion, Google Chrome 21 does not crash my Mac and have to reboot my MacBook Pro after Mountain Lion Chrome 21 freezes my entire Mac after browsing few web pages and after 30 minutes or an hour my Mac freezes but the cursor still moves please help me. I'm using a late 2011 13" MacBook Pro.
Mountain Lion + Google Chrome

Chrome is now very unstable, since 10.8 install. Freezing, Lockups, dropped "Oh Snap!" pages... resulting in hard reboots as well.
You aren't alone on this one.
I had problems with chrome the first day, but updated chrome several days later and rebooted and have had no problems since then.

Just checked, there is a Chrome update-related relaunch required. Try that.
I had problems with chrome the first day, but updated chrome several days later and rebooted and have had no problems since then.

Just checked, there is a Chrome update-related relaunch required. Try that.

I'm using the latest and the most recent Google Chrome. It still freezes my MacBook Pro and i have to do a hard reboot.
Try removing Chrome (export your bookmarks or sync). Then re-install or use the beta and see how that performs.

Check your version of Flash too. Update or uninstall/re-install flash sometimes fixes things. (You check flash in your system preferences).

Forgot to add: Could be issues with your user in Chrome. If have backed up Chrome, delete your user.
I use Chrome more often than any other browser, and have yet to have a problem on ML. It might be an error on your end.
Not to detract from the purpose of this topic, but is anyone else not able to do the three-finger forward and back feature while using Chrome? Since updating I haven't been able to use this. It was my favourite gesture by far for browsers.

I believe Lion had this problem at first because a three-finger swipe gesture was initiated as a default when you installed Lion. I'm not sure if it's the same case with ML.

Any insight?
I use Chrome more often than any other browser, and have yet to have a problem on ML. It might be an error on your end.

Yea, if you checked the thread I linked to it seems the problem pops up on Macs which have HD3000 graphics...

Suggesting that the guy can't use a browser properly is pretty insulting and there is no basis in your assumption.

I'm sure the OP can even breath and walk at the same time too...
I've been using chrome on a fresh install of ML for ~2 weeks now and haven't had a single hangup. I've got the Intel HD 3000 graphics too - guess I'm just lucky.
Mid-2012 13" MacBook Pro, OS X 10.8 ML - Chrome has caused my MBP to freeze and caused tabs to crash many times. If I go to a page that has video and I try to play it, BOOM, instant lag and my MBP freezes up for about 10 seconds. I don't have a lot of tabs open (closed all my tabs, and played another video and the exact same behavior occurred).

Open the same sites/videos in Safari 6, and no lag or freezing. This is definitely a Chrome/Built-in Flash issue and it needs to be fixed fast, as I use Chrome as my daily driver.
Yea, if you checked the thread I linked to it seems the problem pops up on Macs which have HD3000 graphics...

Suggesting that the guy can't use a browser properly is pretty insulting and there is no basis in your assumption.

I'm sure the OP can even breath and walk at the same time too...

Wow, that might qualify for rudest post of the year. I didn't mean it was a user error problem, but a specific problem with his computer and not a problem with Chrome itself. So don't come on here and attack me and twist my words. Excuse me for trying to give him feedback from someone who uses Chrome daily on ML.

Geez, why are some people such *******s on the internet?
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Wow, that might qualify for rudest post of the year. I didn't mean it was a user error problem, but a specific problem with his computer and not a problem with Chrome itself.

It's not at all how your post read..

You honestly think my post was that rude? At no point did I swear or even insult you personally...I simply criticised what you appeared to be implying about the OP.

Geez, why are some people such *******s on the internet?

The best bit is where at no point did I personally attack you and in your reply complaining about my post you call me *******? Are you for real??

noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

It also looks like you weren't having such a good time yesterday/today communicating yourself. Here is someone else that "misinterpreted" your post and you then launched an attack on:

So your posts are being misread by people (and in your mind i'm sure it's everyone else at fault, not your communication skills), you're mouthing off calling people "*******s" and "smart ass" and you have the audacity to call me rude?
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It's not at all how your post read..

You honestly think my post was that rude? At no point did I swear or even insult you personally...I simply criticised what you appeared to be implying about the OP.

The best bit is where at no point did I personally attack you and in your reply complaining about my post you call me *******? Are you for real??


It also looks like you weren't having such a good time yesterday/today communicating yourself. Here is someone else that "misinterpreted" your post and you then launched an attack on:

So your posts are being misread by people (and in your mind i'm sure it's everyone else at fault, not your communication skills), you're mouthing off calling people "*******s" and "smart ass" and you have the audacity to call me rude?

Wow, your second reply was more rude than the first. Congrats!
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Their has been a known issue when going into full screen on some mac that can cause s temp freeze. I still see this. This is only if the chrome based browsers are running.
I don't use fullscreen mode and it isn't a temp freeze

It definitely seems to be a driver issue with the integrated graphic card.
I use Chrome extensively everyday on my MacBook Pro with 10.8 and have not experienced any problems. Try removing it and the preferences, then install again.
I use Chrome extensively everyday on my MacBook Pro with 10.8 and have not experienced any problems. Try removing it and the preferences, then install again.

I use Chrome also extensively everyday. I had no issues since 2-3 days.

Then it began :(
This is an issue also in Firefox, if am not mistaken with their 12th version. Looks they want us to switch over to Safari for good hehe...
I think it absolutely not browser relevant.

There are several reports from users who don't use Google Chrome.
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