Hi, I recently downloaded the OS X update 10.3.4, I think, and now whenever I download something i.e MSN messenger, it says disk image failed to mount, any suggestions?
Hi, I recently downloaded the OS X update 10.3.4, I think, and now whenever I download something i.e MSN messenger, it says disk image failed to mount, any suggestions?
The first thing I would try is repairing permissions. Open Disk Utility (from Applications/Utilities), select your primary Mac OS X volume (the one you're booted from), and click the repair permissions button. If that doesn't work, reinstall Mac OS X 10.3.4. You may have not gotten a complete update.
Download the update at Apple.com, and open Disk Utility to mount the image, since the disk image mounting service doesn't seem to be working. If that fails, maybe your preferences are corrupt. Try deleting the DiskImageMounter preferences (~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.DiskImageMounter.plist, if it exists, where ~ is your user folder), and the Disk Utility preferences (located at ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.DiskUtility.plist) and trying again.