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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 22, 2018
I've been having difficulties with my mouse over the last six months or so. When I start up Windows 10 in Bootcamp, it will often not recognise mouse clicks; the pointer is visible, but won't respond. I can't check the drivers, because I can't access the control panel without using the mouse! Restarting will fix the problem, but sometimes it takes several restarts.

Since I only use the Windows partition sporadically, I figured I could live with it - but I've started gaming using GeForce Now, and a similar thing is happening there. When I start up GFN, all is well and good until I launch a game. Then, once again, the mouse doesn't respond to clicks. In fact, I can't even see the pointer unless I hold down LMB. Again, restarting the Mac solves the problem, but sometimes several restarts are required.

The curious thing is that this happens regardless of whether I use the (wireless) Apple Magic Mouse, or the (wired) third-party mouse that I prefer. (For the record, it's the Evoluent Vertical Mouse 3 - I have USB Overdrive installed, and it works perfectly well in the MacOS environment).

It's frustrating rather than crippling, but I'd really like to find a solution. I'm running Mojave, but the same problem was occurring with High Sierra. Presumably it's something to do with the mouse drivers in a Windows environment?

(My Mac is a 2014 5K Retina iMac, 4GHz Intel i7, 32GB RAM, 4GB AMD Radeon R9 card pre-installed.)

Thanks in advance for any help.

[EDIT: I could try re-installing the Bootcamp drivers, but I can't see how that would help with GFN.]
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 22, 2018
More info: I've discovered that I can clear the GFN problem by hitting ESC after the game has loaded (it may be that other keyboard input also works, I haven't tried yet). That seems to 'free up' the mouse. After that, everything runs normally until the next time.

Perhaps a driver reinstall is all I need for the Bootcamp partition; but since I'm considering deleting it in order to create a partition with more space, I might hold off on attempting that until then. I'll update as necessary.
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