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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 24, 2004
East Coast, USA
I've done a few searches, and no one says that there's an easy way. I'm contemplated making the move to Lightroom, and all my files are in my Aperture Library.

Any easy way?


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
I would imagine that you could export RAW files from Ap Projects into separate folders (ex. birds) - then reimport each folder into Lightroom.


macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2003
Easiest to me, when I was thinking of switching over, was to do as Grimace said. Export a project, along with the sidecar XML files, then import to Lightroom. Everything will come over, keywords, all other metadata etc. EXCEPT adjustments, which stinks. One work around for that though would be to also export a version with your RAW master and "stack" them in lightroom.

It works, but it's painstaking if you have a large library. I decided to stick with Aperture after realizing, IMO at least, it has far superior DAM capabilities. My reason for wanting to switch in the first place was performance, but I worked out some issues with Aperture and am quite happy now. Plus, there HAS to be an update coming soon!


macrumors 68000
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
I just did this and it was NOT that hard. What I did was export my Aperture library into iPhoto, then I installed lightroom and imported my iPhoto library. Worked like a charm.

However, I've got to say that I DO NOT like Aperture or Lightroom's interfaces. They're much too cluttered in my opinion.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 16, 2006
okay...rather than making a new thread I'm gonna revive this one.

From what I understand being describe above, you are exporting the masters from Aperture and importing them into LR. How about the adjustments made in Aperture? Should I export the versions as well? Will the metadata still show in lightroom this way?

(and I'm deciding to move to LR because Aperture is wayyyy too slow/laggy with the adjustment sliders on my 2.33ghz MBP. I'm tired of putting up with it after over a year)


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
okay...rather than making a new thread I'm gonna revive this one.

From what I understand being describe above, you are exporting the masters from Aperture and importing them into LR. How about the adjustments made in Aperture? Should I export the versions as well? Will the metadata still show in lightroom this way?

(and I'm deciding to move to LR because Aperture is wayyyy too slow/laggy with the adjustment sliders on my 2.33ghz MBP. I'm tired of putting up with it after over a year)

Before you jump, are you on Aperture 1.5 or Aperture 2? Version 2 took a big jump in speed, especially for folks with non Mac Pros.


Dec 29, 2007
okay...rather than making a new thread I'm gonna revive this one.

From what I understand being describe above, you are exporting the masters from Aperture and importing them into LR. How about the adjustments made in Aperture? Should I export the versions as well? Will the metadata still show in lightroom this way?

(and I'm deciding to move to LR because Aperture is wayyyy too slow/laggy with the adjustment sliders on my 2.33ghz MBP. I'm tired of putting up with it after over a year)

Just curious -- did you try Ap2.0? It's much faster than 1.x.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.

Well, the easy part is to simply export all of the RAW masters and reimport them in LR, but losing all edits. You also then have to import "versions" as JPEGs or TIFFs for ones to which you want to retain changes. That takes up more space and you have "duplicate" (sort of) files. But, that is the only way to get the RAWs (in RAW format) plus "changes" over to the new program. Same rule applies when going LR-->AP.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 16, 2006

Well, the easy part is to simply export all of the RAW masters and reimport them in LR, but losing all edits. You also then have to import "versions" as JPEGs or TIFFs for ones to which you want to retain changes. That takes up more space and you have "duplicate" (sort of) files. But, that is the only way to get the RAWs (in RAW format) plus "changes" over to the new program. Same rule applies when going LR-->AP.

Thanks Grimace. I'm still deciding weather or not to do this...

I might add that this lag problem doesn't seem to be very consistent. It normally goes back up to speed after quitting Aperture and re-opening it. But i'm not planning on re launching the program after every picture i edit (you can see from my Flickr page that I'm pretty heavy with the adjustments). I'm just not sure how much longer I can live with this...

Sorry about the double post, but I just thought of something...
I'm am on Tiger right now. Does anyone know if upgrading to Leopard will significantly speed things up? I do like the Aperture interface more (played around with LR when it was in beta) so I'd prefer not having to switch.


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2007
I run aperture 2 on my MB 2.16 with 2 gigs of ram, I don't have any slowdowns working on RAW, even while Photoshop CS3 is open with a 90MB file.


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2007
I'm am on Tiger right now. Does anyone know if upgrading to Leopard will significantly speed things up? I do like the Aperture interface more (played around with LR when it was in beta) so I'd prefer not having to switch.

I can't comment on the Tiger vs. Leopard issue specifically but there is something odd with your situation. Aperture 2 is a very responsive app. It should be running better on your machine.

In what way is it slow for you? Have you tried the Lightroom demo to see if it runs any faster?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 16, 2006
In what way is it slow for me...
When using the adjustments sliders, my mouse would move to the position I want to move the slider fine, but then the actual knob on each slider would move really slowly to get to the position that my cursor is. This would happen to pretty much the entire Adjustments panel.

Once this happens, ALL the graphics on the computer would lag. This includes the drag-able divider between the view and browser in Aperture, dock animation as well as the sidebar in Finder windows.

Interesting thing is that while all the above is happening, I can make Curve adjustments in Photoshop perfectly fine. So this might mean that only Core Image related things are choking on me?

However (this could be good news)
I am starting to suspect aMSN for causing the problem. I've noticed (although not enough times yet to be sure) that lately the slowdowns have been occurring when I switch back into Aperture after typing a few lines in a conversation in aMSN (though it doesn't seem like the VERY first line, it takes a while). I may just stick to the official version then. I'll give it another couple of days.

The interesting thing (if this is true) is that this only seems to happen when I have Aperture open as well. I don't think I've ever had graphic slowdown from just aMSN alone (been using it for over 2 years).

EDIT: I haven't actually tried making adjustments in Lightroom because I would need to import my entire library in there first to make a fair comparison. Although hopefully I won't even need to do that if this can be sorted out.

John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
I think I've lost count of the number of threads that have initially complained about items of software, only to eventually discover the fault was elsewhere - computer set-up/conflicts user problems etc.

I'm running my faithful steam-powered G5 with 1GB RAM and Aperture 2.1 just flies :)

I'm also willing to bet that Pkennethv has gone a long way in answering his own question in stating he is using MSN :)eek:) - I'd look no further! ;)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Are you shooting in RAW at all? You never explicitly said so, did you? If you just shot in JPEG, then just export your JPEGs (not originals, but with edits) + sidecar XML files and import them into Lightroom. Not a big deal, except the non-destructive editing is gone. I wouldn't miss it though. I rarely re-edit old photos again and again.

If you're shooting RAW, then that's a bigger problem because you probably want to keep the RAW files with non-destructive changes. After all, if you care enough about your photos to shoot in RAW, then you probably care about keeping your edits non-destructive. In that case, I guess......export as tiffs or something? I know the files are too big, but I don't know what else to suggest.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I'm am on Tiger right now. Does anyone know if upgrading to Leopard will significantly speed things up? I do like the Aperture interface more (played around with LR when it was in beta) so I'd prefer not having to switch.

I do know that you can't use the new 2.0 Raw Conversion Engine in Tiger. You have to upgrade before the 2.0 engine can be used. Perhaps the 2.0 engine is faster. Faster or not, it make nicer looking images, nicer enough that you should upgrade.

I used Aperture on a 2.16Ghz, 24 inch (white) iMac with 2GB or RAM and there is zero lag in the adjustment sliders. I think Aperture is slightly faster then Adode's PS CS3
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