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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 21, 2011
not sure if this is the right section - but I will try here. I just finished moving my movies to an external wd 1tb hard drive hooked up via usb and now it takes a long time for it to load libraries and movies. My network speed is good. Should I be expecting these delays because my library is now "hanging off" my imac (latest model entry level 21.5), or have I done something wrong. If these delays are common, I may just put them back on the imac (not deleted yet anyway, just rerouted). Thanks, Mike
if it's connected via USB, network speed has nothing to do with it.

is it just when you first access something? it's quite possible the drive has spun down due to inactivity, it'll take a few seconds to start back up, you probably can hear it do so.
We have two 2 tb wd drives in an OWC enclosure connected to the same model iMac and our access times are very good, almost instant.

It is connected by FireWire though and not USB.
Little update-it appears it only when initially connecting to the movie. I went to a few of the movies my daughter watched earlier today and they loaded quickly. My atv is wireless it is just the harddrive that is usb - however i was under the impression these were usb2 and should quicker times than firewire. This drive was very cheap though on sale at a large retailer so it is only usb anyway - but was mac formatted (i am still very new to the mac world, so easy was better). Thanks for the replies, but it does seem like it is some type of routing or something delay only initially (i had network problems earlier also, so that may be part of it). Thanks again, Mike.
USB2 is only faster then Firwire400, not 800, as Firwire800 has a sustained speed greater then USB2.

More then likely, your drives are going into sleep mode and needing to spin up is causing your delay.

CHeck your energy settings on the mac, and keep the HDD awake.
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