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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 4, 2016
Hi-I am really struggling!! I have IMovie 11 on my iMac and have used now for years.
I have recently updated to El Capitan.
I don't know if this started before or after I upgraded to El Capitan but many of my IMovie events now won't play properly. The images all show in the thumbnail events but if I try to play them they just show as a bright green screen although the audio still plays fine.
I have tried creating a project and adding clips from those events to a project and the same happens there too.
I keep all my video for events on 2 external hard-drives and this applies to some but not all the video on each:
So I have lots of video on a the first 1TB external drive, some work some don't-this only has 2GB free space
Likewise I have lots of video on another 1TB drive and again some play and some don't-this has 149GB free space.
I have 150GB space on my MacHD

I have tried deleting an event (that won't play) and then re-importing it into IMovie from one of the external drives but it is exactly the same.
Here is a screen shot to show what I am seeing. Wherever I move the cursor on an event that has an issue shows green, but when I move it he thumbnail looks fine.

Screen Shot 2016-06-04 at 17.19.31.jpg

Any suggestions???
Thank you :)
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