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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 24, 2007
Troutdale, OR
I have 7 or 8 of the high capacity DVD binders I use to store my movies (without cases) and it has finally become unmanageable.

I was thinking of switching to some kind of online system of cataloging movies for quick search and retrieval. (I would convert them all to apple compatible files, but that would take some massive time and hard drives!)

I am playing around with a trial copy of Movie Collector, it looks like it will do what I want, but I wanted to hear other people's solutions who have large dvd collections before I spend the $30 to $60 on this software (standard or pro.)

Thanks for any useful thoughts.

Plex is going to be an amazing application for just your need. I use it to manage, view, and beautifully display my TV and movie collection. Best of all, it pulls all data from imdb, so you capture movie plots, actors, genres, and everything automatically.

I wrote a blog article about it here, where you can read about it as well as seem some screenshots to give you a visual example.

Hope this helps. Definitely worth checking out.

Let me know if you have any questions...

Plex looks like it would be great if all my movies were on the computer, but like I said in my initial post, I want to organize my movies while keeping them on disc. Basically I want a "card catalog" program for movies, so I can search the database and quickly find the movie from my various bins, shelves, and binders.


DVD Profiler

I looked, but I could only find mobile and windows versions. Do they have a OSX Lion version?
I really wish they would make a Mac version of DVD Profiler. It's definitely the best program for cataloging I've used. They already have an iPhone/iPad app.

There's also DVDPedia:
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