I'm switching to Handbrake 32 bit for now.
Also, if I'm ripping a DVD and I want it to work on my iPad, iPhone, and stream on my Xbox, is the best way to achieve this ripping the DVD with High Profile? I'm guessing the files sizes would be very large for the iPhone and iPad, but I don't want to have multiple files, so I would just have to have the larger files. Is there anything I can do to make the files sizes smaller? Or is this the only way? Thanks!
Yeah, I'm also using 32bit VLC & Handbrake.
Ive encoded two movies using the default settings on the universal preset.
with the hangover, i have it encoding right now actually.
what i use for all my encodes for my iTunes Library, iPad, iPhones/iPod Touch's is the Apple Universal preset.
I wouldnt bother with the High Profile or the non Apple presets if you want total compatibility between apple devices and im not 100% sure with the XBOX but it should work with that.
So with the Hangover encode, im using the Universal preset, everything default. with the exception of going into Picture settings and going to the right of the box that appears that says Cropping and clicking custom and removing the cropping handbrake does to Zero as this seems to crop the film smaller than the actual DVD itself and though it will leave the black bars it will be exactly the same as the film itself, not sure if its the same as the iTunes store but you get exact dvd if that makes any difference.
ill post back with the audio mixdown, ill see if it sounds any better than the previous encode i did. all i know is the first encode's audio mixdown was just unwatchable practically no audio.
hope that was useful, if you find any good settings that may improve it, itd be great to know.