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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 21, 2012
I'm planning to do some semi-serious video shooting on my iPhone 4S and I would like to get a 3rd party app for extended options. I have been doing some research and found that MoviePro should be the best, followed by FiLMiC Pro (at least according to the App Store reviews). Has anyone tried these apps and can tell which one is more worth the money and is a better tool overall? Am I overlooking other options?
I'm planning to do some semi-serious video shooting on my iPhone 4S and I would like to get a 3rd party app for extended options. I have been doing some research and found that MoviePro should be the best, followed by FiLMiC Pro (at least according to the App Store reviews). Has anyone tried these apps and can tell which one is more worth the money and is a better tool overall? Am I overlooking other options?

Another great option is jailbreaking and using CameraTweak. I myself would prefer it to any third-party option - it's the most stable solution.
Another great option is jailbreaking and using CameraTweak. I myself would prefer it to any third-party option - it's the most stable solution.

Thanks, but I don't jailbreak my devices. I'd much prefer getting something nice from the App Store for this purpose.

I've been using MoviePro for a while and found it very useful - specially filming in the street and places where you get hassled if you try to use a normal camera. Very good quality and can shoot at 1920 x 25fps which saves time converting to prores422.

Only one snag - the app has a habit of doing a tiny little 'dink' occasionally - zooming in and out in just two frames, going in about 5%. No touching of any buttons and no idea why it does it. Can usually cut round it, but it is a bit of a pain.

Starting a new thread to see if anyone else has this problem.
Filmic Pro is free today and you can download it for comparison to MoviePro. I've used both, along with Videon, and I like MoviePro best. Filmic's startup time is really long, and while it has many great features, it seems rather bloated compared to MoviePro.

Where one might still use Filmic is that it has preset settings where you can set the resolution, frame rate, etc. and save all of that as a preset. There are 6 presets which oughta serve the needs of just about anyone.

If you're using the same settings all the time, MoviePro opens faster, and allows more resolutions than Filmic allows.
So MoviePro recently released 4.0 of their app, and I tested it against FilmicPro again (v4.0.1). FilmicPro stutters during recording (as if it can't handle the bandwidth of data it's recording!) and thus the videos, once saved to the Camera Roll, stutter as well. I'm using an iPhone 5c 32 GB on iOS 8.1.2 and I just can't believe that they'd release an app without the ability to cleanly record video. Plus when I switched presets, Filmic starting showing multiple entries for the video and audio quality slots, and only when I switched presets did it clean up the video and audio menu choices. Filmic continues to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Don't waste your money on it - choose MoviePro instead. Argh.
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Filmic pro and youtube

Does anyone know how to upload Filmic video in 1080 directly from the iPhone 5s to Youtube without having to first download to a computer?

Or, in the alternative, is there any site out there where I can "store" 80-100 Gig of video in full 1080 until I can get home from my travels and edit it?
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