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Original poster
Jan 6, 2002
I just got a new 3500 Lumens projector and must use a PC for running Presentations. My thing is, I would like to have a moving background for my slides is this Possible with Powerpoint? I am open to a NON-Microsoft sollution.
Spock said:
I just got a new 3500 Lumens projector and must use a PC for running Presentations. My thing is, I would like to have a moving background for my slides is this Possible with Powerpoint? I am open to a NON-Microsoft sollution.

In PPT, if you mean you want the actual background picture to move, like a picture of a wave lapping on the shore, then I think you need to do some tricks to make it happen. The simplest way is to make an animated GIF file out of it. You cannot insert it as the slide background, proper, using the Format / Slide Background... menu item, though. You have to either place the image in the back of the slide foreground, or put it on the master slide. Either way, the background will animate under the text, but only in slideshow view.

As far as making the animated gif itself, if you have your animated bg in some other format, try something like GIFbuilder, I guess (less experience here):
be-careful where you put them since they are distractions and take away from the effectiveness of the presentation
For something completely different you might want to look into Apples new "killer" program Keynote:

I'm only throwing this out as an alternative, I haven't seen it in use yet.

Edit: They even have a Keynote forum: ;)
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