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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2012
Anyone have any ideas why I can't seem to offload the 4k 60 fps footage I shot off of my new iPhone 8 plus and onto my iPad Pro? I'm having trouble with these files in general. No individual clip is more than a couple minutes long and most are in the 30s to 1 min range - however I can't get them to AirDrop to my new iPad Pro for editing, I was able to get them onto my wife's MacBook Air via lightning cable and importing to photos, however from there they fail to export unknown error to my external drive.

Save me!
Sorry - I can't help you with your issue... but I can say that I had a hell of a time exporting a bunch of large 4K videos to my PC. I had to manually drag and drop them 1 at a time from the phone to my PC. Sometimes the transfer would randomly fail, and I would have to reboot my phone before I could try again. It took me several hours to transfer ~15 videos. The individual files would take 5-10 minutes to transfer when successful. When unsuccessful, they would either end up as size zero, or some size smaller than they should be. And once an error happened, any future attempts would fail until I rebooted the phone and re-attached it to the computer. At first I thought I may have a faulty USB cable, but changing the cable did not help.

This was from an iPhone 8 running iOS 11.0.1. I have now upgraded to 11.0.2, but have not tried transferring more 4K files since the upgrade.
I don't have a 8 but I've successfully used Dropbox for
moving media files around.

I know it shouldn't need to be that way but until Apple makes it easier to move files around.. I haven't tried the Files app yet either.
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