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Original poster
Feb 5, 2009
Out of pure curiosity to see if I was truly using the best platform for me, I bought a refurbished Galaxy S II. And after about a day, I came running back to iOS.


Music: Where is the Google iCloud music alternative? I have music on my laptop in iTunes, I don't want to upload ALL of it to the cloud to hear it on my phone. Even syncing music through OSX was painful, and not nearly as intuitive as iOS. I felt so lost by the disorganization and lack of simplicity that iOS offers with iTunes Match and iTunes

iMessage: A missed feature as I use messages on my iPad and Mac. It's not worth splitting conversations between Android and Apple, so I definitely missed iMessage too much. Plus the little features of delivery receipts and others were missed.

Contacts: Syncing or moving contacts from my address book to Android shouldn't be difficult. For other Apple devices, before iCloud (which now automatically manages this), I would just export Vcards and import them into the new device. I tried this via email on my GS II and it wouldn't read the Vcards. You would think given how Android wants to adopt more iOS users, they would implement a more convenient solution. Also, I don't want random email addresses that I once used from my Gmail account populated in my contacts.

Apps: Too many bloatware or flakey apps, not enough high quality ones as compared to iOS. The app store seemed confusing not as easy to browse as iOS. Let's not start on the trojans ...

Jailbreaking/Rooting: I missed the root access of my iPhone and installing jailbreak apps. I couldn't even ROOT my "open" GS II on 4.03! Without a doubt, jailbroken iOS > Android. I couldn't uninstall the crappy AT&T preloaded software.

Other: Why the heck does the average user want access to the hundreds of "apps" that are core portions of Android? I am pretty tech-saavy, and even I don't want to view the components of my mobile phone OS like "USB drivers". It should just work ...

Camera: Wow! I was stunned at how poor the camera was. Yes, it has the same MP count, and maybe even better flash technology, but I was amazed at how inferior the picture quality was in comparison to my 4S

However, things I did appreciate were the larger screen and high speed wireless connectivity. It's nice that rumors point towards Apple closing the gap in regards to these categories with the new iPhone though.

In total, having lived in the Apple ecosystem with my iPad, Macbook Pro and iPhone, leaving it seems impossible. Yes, for better or worse, I am trapped and I think I like it that way.

I can understand that there wouldn't be the same kind of separation anxiety for someone who doesn't own an iPad or use cloud services in connection with a computer ... or like to have easy access to their music, but that person is not me. I NEED my media and information seamlessly up to date across my devices now that I have been spoiled by Apple, and I don't think Android is able to fill that gap well at all.

More glad than ever to be an iPhone user and am that much more thrilled for the new iPhone in a month! I would like to say in closing though, that iOS un-jailbroken feels severely limited. If jailbreaking became impossible, I'm not sure if I could stay with iOS, but that bridge will be crossed when necessary.
You need Jelly Bean.

It has Google Now and will fix all that ails you.

Ok, it's not really my fault Google/Samsung can't get their stuff together to push mobile updates on a timely schedule. I would bet iOS 6 will hit the 3GS + before 4.1 gets to GS II and other devices.

And it was my understanding that 4.1 only improved UI speed with Google Now, what other problems above of mine will it fix :confused:
I've actually noticed all of that as well! I was using an Android while abroad in Brazil because my iPhone wouldn't work there. I think the biggest problem I had was touch screen sensitivity. While it's improving with every Android iteration, it's just no where near as seamless and responsive as the iPhone.

Obviously it's all down to preference, but having used an iPhone and experienced the fluidity between the entire Apple family (man I love how well everything syncs up now that Mountain Lion is released, and it's only going to get better with iOS 6) I can say that it would be really difficult to switch to Android.

But I do know plenty of people who love their Android devices.
You had years (I'm assuming) of experience using iOS/iPhones, and after ONE DAY using Android, you came up with all that? Wow, you really gave it time to get used to, didn't you?

Besides, if you're using the "newest" iPhone, you should have gotten a newer model Android to make a fair comparison (like maybe the Nexus), rather than an old refurbed SGS2 that was released almost 6 months before the iPhone 4S. 6 months in the tech world is like comparing a 50 year old and a 20 year old in 800m freestyle swimming.
I am thinking about switching to the Galaxy SIII if the new iPhone is like all of the rumors. I have not heard good things about music on the androids though so that is one thing I am worried about. I do not have a macbook so I wont miss anything there, but I do have the new iPad so I will lose some stuff there, but I want a larger screen that is also wider unlike all these rumors and I was not happy with what they showed us with iOS 6.
Here are some responses to some of your concerns

Music: Google music

iMessage: There is no iMessage and there never will be. GTalk is kind of your equivalent here and operates very similarly to iMessage. Unfortunately, still no support for pictures. :( I use iMessage, but I am not infatuated by it. To me, for iMessage to be truly great, everyone I message would have to be using it. Obviously, that is unlikely.

Contacts: I have never had an issue with contacts. I use contacts via google for all of my devices, including iOS devices. It's actually easier to do it this way than Apple's offering, especially if you aren't entirely married to using iOS all day every day.

Apps: This is a tough one. I guess I just wonder what apps you are looking for in general. Most of the high quality apps you see on iOS are available on Android these days. There are a ton of low quality apps on each platform. I just choose to avoid them.

Root: Not familiar with your version of the SGSII, but phones that cannot be rooted are very few and far between. What is it you are trying to accomplish with root? Almost everything can be done without it. Off the top of my head, full backup images are one of the few things that require a root.

Other: The average user probably doesn't want the access you are speaking of... but if they choose not to do anything with it, so be it. It still does just work... you just have to leave it alone.

Camera: The camera sucks on the SGS2. But isn't this an Android comparison and not a hardware comparison? The limiting factor here is the hardware, not the software. granted, stock camera software isn't as nice as what iPhone have, but it still isn't your limiting factor here

I think your comparison of Android versus iOS wasn't a fair match. Your comparison was more one of Samsung's Android releases versus Apple's iOS releases. Samsung is basically known as one of the worst companies in terms of software upgrade support on their Android devices. Granted, the average consumer views Android as Android and iOS as iOS, so in that sense, I suppose the comparisons are ok. If you get the chance, try something with stock Android; something that is also going to see updates. It will give you a truer comparison of actual Android v iOS. Based on your concerns, I think you would be much happier going that route.
Have 4S and GSII (i777 one), sounds like you didn't do your homework. I have my GSII sync'd fine with my MAC's and no issues like you mentioned, plenty of programs to even sync from iTunes if you want to "use" iTunes still, and you can use Google music etc. Contacts not sure what your talking about as contact management is even better on Android, I even keep the iPhones sync'd with Gmail. Camera, only advantage the 4S has is a very slight one in dim light conditions, there's a ton of settings on the GSII cam so your settings could be out of wack but also some people had faulty cams shipped (seemed like a very low % but there were some reports of faulty cams being replaced). App quality is played out, I've had iPhones for years and have a ton of built up app's, I had no problem finding the same quality/better for main ones I use on Android, sure there's poor apps but that's why you read the reviews or even do a quick Google search, plus you can try and see if you like it w/o buying (can't tell you how many times I bought an iOS App only to think it sucked but then your out $). Even rooting is fairly easy on this phone (what GSII model do you have as there's a couple variants), I'm on Shostock2 rom which is pry the most popular for this phone, and it's slick and fast even animations are buttery smooth, awesome rom, even slightly better battery life then my old 4. I don't care for the stock looking icons or touchwhiz (though new touchwhiz is better than before), but I use GoLauncher EX anyway so I have great sharp looking icons and theme etc vs stock.

The only thing of what you posted that's accurate would be iMessage, which to me is useless since whether business or personal everyone I know has iPhones, Android, BB, Win etc... if 100% of people had iMessage than that would be different.

Sounds like you jumped right in and didn't know the difference, Android is so customizable and so many settings that it can be overwhelming to some people. But I jailbreak my iPhones as well as I hate stock iOS so I don't have a problem spending a day or two tweaking.
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I've actually noticed all of that as well! I was using an Android while abroad in Brazil because my iPhone wouldn't work there. I think the biggest problem I had was touch screen sensitivity. While it's improving with every Android iteration, it's just no where near as seamless and responsive as the iPhone.

Obviously it's all down to preference, but having used an iPhone and experienced the fluidity between the entire Apple family (man I love how well everything syncs up now that Mountain Lion is released, and it's only going to get better with iOS 6) I can say that it would be really difficult to switch to Android.

But I do know plenty of people who love their Android devices.

This is what I am experiencing too.

This thread is a little precosious. When i switched from pc to mac back in the 90's it was painful too. It takes a little time

I guess change is always difficult, but I just find the lack of syncing and easiness annoying.

You had years (I'm assuming) of experience using iOS/iPhones, and after ONE DAY using Android, you came up with all that? Wow, you really gave it time to get used to, didn't you?

Besides, if you're using the "newest" iPhone, you should have gotten a newer model Android to make a fair comparison (like maybe the Nexus), rather than an old refurbed SGS2 that was released almost 6 months before the iPhone 4S. 6 months in the tech world is like comparing a 50 year old and a 20 year old in 800m freestyle swimming.

Get used to what? The obviously lacking amount of features? Or are you telling me that I am supposed to live without basic features such as simply importing and syncing my contacts, music and other things? Shouldn't it "just work"? I don't want to scrape the Android app store for third party solutions.

And actually, the Galaxy S II for AT&T was released Fall of 2011, I'm not sure where you are reading earlier. Furthermore, this isn't meant to be a pissing contest between actual hardware as much as it is software and overall experience. I still don't think I would like the GS III over the iPhone 4S. The GS III doesn't really offer any additional software improvements (my biggest gripes with Android) over the GS II, thus I fail to see how even by giving Android the advantage in that situation, would it even out the battlefield.

Again, the flaw for me lies within the software, not the hardware. I like the screen, the size and thinness of the GS II, although the camera I could care less for (iPhones really do have supreme cameras)!

I am thinking about switching to the Galaxy SIII if the new iPhone is like all of the rumors. I have not heard good things about music on the androids though so that is one thing I am worried about. I do not have a macbook so I wont miss anything there, but I do have the new iPad so I will lose some stuff there, but I want a larger screen that is also wider unlike all these rumors and I was not happy with what they showed us with iOS 6.

I don't really feel more excited using the larger screen of the GS II, though surely more screen real estate is nice. And yes, I find the lack of native music syncing to be a huge drag coming from the ease of iTunes syncing and iTunes Match where it's literally automatic.

Here are some responses to some of your concerns

Music: Google music

Could you elaborate on how to sync my existing music on my Mac so my GS II? I'm not opposed to trying it, but it doesn't seem straightforward at all! You can't compare iTunes Match to having to manually upload and edit your library through Google, can you?

iMessage: There is no iMessage and there never will be. GTalk is kind of your equivalent here and operates very similarly to iMessage. Unfortunately, still no support for pictures. :( I use iMessage, but I am not infatuated by it. To me, for iMessage to be truly great, everyone I message would have to be using it. Obviously, that is unlikely.

Almost all of my friends use iMessage so it's really hard to say goodbye to this feature. I really wish Android would implement an iMessage equivalent, and I'm actually shocked or disappointed they haven't yet!

Contacts: I have never had an issue with contacts. I use contacts via google for all of my devices, including iOS devices. It's actually easier to do it this way than Apple's offering, especially if you aren't entirely married to using iOS all day every day.

I use OSX/iOS every day all day, but can you elaborate on how to sync contacts through Google across all devices? Again, I'm not opposed to abandoning iCloud if Google presents a better contacts solution, but I was presented with nothing in terms of doing this.

Apps: This is a tough one. I guess I just wonder what apps you are looking for in general. Most of the high quality apps you see on iOS are available on Android these days. There are a ton of low quality apps on each platform. I just choose to avoid them.

App quality aside, I miss the app store experience in terms of browsing and reading feedback. I know there is an Android equivalent, I guess this one is personal preference.

Root: Not familiar with your version of the SGSII, but phones that cannot be rooted are very few and far between. What is it you are trying to accomplish with root? Almost everything can be done without it. Off the top of my head, full backup images are one of the few things that require a root.

I searched the web and came back with feedback stating that the only GS II that can be rooted are foreign or maybe T-Mobile on ICS +. I see nothing allowing the GS II AT&T allowing it to be rooted on 4.0.3 (what my phone arrived with). Again, if you know of otherwise, please let me know.

Other: The average user probably doesn't want the access you are speaking of... but if they choose not to do anything with it, so be it. It still does just work... you just have to leave it alone.

Fair enough, it just looks unprofessional and confusing.

Camera: The camera sucks on the SGS2. But isn't this an Android comparison and not a hardware comparison? The limiting factor here is the hardware, not the software. granted, stock camera software isn't as nice as what iPhone have, but it still isn't your limiting factor here

You are right in that this is a hardware factor, but reading reviews across the board I don't see a phone out there that rivals the 4S in terms of picture quality. I think Apple definitely has camera quality down and always has in recent years.

I think your comparison of Android versus iOS wasn't a fair match. Your comparison was more one of Samsung's Android releases versus Apple's iOS releases. Samsung is basically known as one of the worst companies in terms of software upgrade support on their Android devices. Granted, the average consumer views Android as Android and iOS as iOS, so in that sense, I suppose the comparisons are ok. If you get the chance, try something with stock Android; something that is also going to see updates. It will give you a truer comparison of actual Android v iOS. Based on your concerns, I think you would be much happier going that route.

Which phone would you suggest then? Does the RAZR MAXX run stock Android? I find that HTC and Motorola feel cheap, and Samsung seemed like a higher quality brand, was I mistaken? I guess I could have tried a Nexus, but I didn't want to drop $350 to try it out.
I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off either, but I found using my Razr Maxx in Google's ecosystem (Gmail, Google Music, Docs, Drive, Maps, etc.) is a great experience as well. Agree that you'll have to give it more than a day. ;)
Just mount your S2 as a disk and copy/paste your songs onto it, no need to sync on Android. If you really must sync, Samsungs Kies will sync iTunes libraries/playlists with your phone.
I found it very easy moving from iOS to android (and back again with my iPad) and have also and zero issues using my stuff on Windows Phone either.

Contacts, calendars, email all handled by Google Sync.
All of my music has been uploaded to Google Music and is accessible on my iPad and also on Windows Phone (via Gooroovster).

Finally, Dropbox/Google drive has all of my cloud files sorted.

I was lucky enough to not get locked into a setup like Apple has. You can either blame other platforms for their inaccessibility to Apple's closed shop or blame Apple for not letting their stuff play nice with others. Obviously it makes sense for Apple to trap you into their products as you become dependent on them.
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Get used to what? The obviously lacking amount of features? Or are you telling me that I am supposed to live without basic features such as simply importing and syncing my contacts, music and other things? Shouldn't it "just work"? I don't want to scrape the Android app store for third party solutions.

And actually, the Galaxy S II for AT&T was released Fall of 2011, I'm not sure where you are reading earlier. Furthermore, this isn't meant to be a pissing contest between actual hardware as much as it is software and overall experience. I still don't think I would like the GS III over the iPhone 4S. The GS III doesn't really offer any additional software improvements (my biggest gripes with Android) over the GS II, thus I fail to see how even by giving Android the advantage in that situation, would it even out the battlefield.

Okay, its clear from your tone that you're looking for an argument, rather than a discussion, so I'm not going to waste much of my time.

You can't switch to a new piece of tech, and expect it to "just work" out of the box. Everything needs tweaking, even the iPhone. Did you power up your iPhone on day 1 and it magically synced all your contacts from whatever dumbphone you were using before that? I don't think so.

To transfer your contacts to your android device incredibly simply, under your iTunes sync options, enable the checkbox to sync your contacts to your Google account (the one you used to log into your Android phone). Now sync your iPhone with your computer. Your contacts will automatically appear on your Android device, pictures and all.

The SGS2 was released in May 2011 worldwide (Europe, Asia). It came to N America in the fall, but with the same hardware specs. The reason I mentioned hardware at all is because you compared camera quality.

And as for the part of your post that I bolded, its obvious that you're not even willing to give the new features a try (just like you barely gave the SGS2 a try). Thus, I'm confused as to why you even bothered to start this thread. Were you looking to argue with people? Or were you looking for support from other sheeple?
I knew before even clicking on this thread that all the Android users would flock here to offer up reasons why the OPs opinions were invalid.
I knew before even clicking on this thread that all the Android users would flock here to offer up reasons why the OPs opinions were invalid.

Some people have different perspectives and have credible counter points.

I may as well have hit out with "I knew before even clicking on this reply that batting1000 would have made a sweeping generalisation towards "all the Android users""

Doesn't really add much to the discussion does it?
I knew before even clicking on this thread that all the Android users would flock here to offer up reasons why the OPs opinions were invalid.
Are you going to tell us the sky is blue next? Was that supposed to be some kind of dig, even though you know that every iPhone user would do the same in a thread about the opposite?
I knew before even clicking on this thread that all the Android users would flock here to offer up reasons why the OPs opinions were invalid.

I knew before even clicking on this thread that you would be posting on here about how all the Android users would flock here to offer up reasons why the OPs opinions were invalid. You are calling the kettle black. Look in the mirror.

Notice how I haven't posted about the OP. simply put, if you don't do the research ahead of time, switching to a new OS can be painful. I'm not the 'stupid police'.
Just mount your S2 as a disk and copy/paste your songs onto it, no need to sync on Android. If you really must sync, Samsungs Kies will sync iTunes libraries/playlists with your phone.

Not as easy as it sounds. I know how to enable USB disk mode on the device, and it's not recognizable by OSX 10.8. Yes I can dual-boot to Windows 7, but that's besides the point (not even sure if that recognizes it either). All of my software is always up to date across the board.

Yeah this takes a crap all over iMessage, really.

I like iMessage because it's integrated into the app. And I have way more friends that use iMessage with iPhones than those across other mobile softwares that use Whatsapp.

Okay, its clear from your tone that you're looking for an argument, rather than a discussion, so I'm not going to waste much of my time.

You can't switch to a new piece of tech, and expect it to "just work" out of the box. Everything needs tweaking, even the iPhone. Did you power up your iPhone on day 1 and it magically synced all your contacts from whatever dumbphone you were using before that? I don't think so.

To transfer your contacts to your android device incredibly simply, under your iTunes sync options, enable the checkbox to sync your contacts to your Google account (the one you used to log into your Android phone). Now sync your iPhone with your computer. Your contacts will automatically appear on your Android device, pictures and all.

The SGS2 was released in May 2011 worldwide (Europe, Asia). It came to N America in the fall, but with the same hardware specs. The reason I mentioned hardware at all is because you compared camera quality.

And as for the part of your post that I bolded, its obvious that you're not even willing to give the new features a try (just like you barely gave the SGS2 a try). Thus, I'm confused as to why you even bothered to start this thread. Were you looking to argue with people? Or were you looking for support from other sheeple?

Um, actually yea, syncing my music, contacts, calenders, ect. works right out of the box on my iPhone, it took you a lot of time how to click the sync button and check a box in iTunes :confused:

And actually I enabled thats sync option and they STILL don't appear on my Android device.

And I don't CARE When the rest of the world received a device, I care when I, the user, had acces to use it. As far as I'm concerned, the GS II is the competitor in all equal facets to the 4S.

I knew before even clicking on this thread that you would be posting on here about how all the Android users would flock here to offer up reasons why the OPs opinions were invalid. You are calling the kettle black. Look in the mirror.

Notice how I haven't posted about the OP. simply put, if you don't do the research ahead of time, switching to a new OS can be painful. I'm not the 'stupid police'.

I'm not looking for people to call my reasons invalid. It's a concrete point, that for me, Android doesn't play well with the well-working Apple ecosystem I have established across my Mac and iPad. Play it how you want, there are third party solutions that try to mimic iCloud, but I don't feel Android is anywhere near as intuitive or helpful as iOS.

And I intentionally didn't research. I had cash to play with, bought a refurbed one to see what Android was about, and was let down. I promised myself I'd continue to play with it for a few days or weeks, but I find myself having a hard time making it my daily phone for the time being.
Some people have different perspectives and have credible counter points.

I may as well have hit out with "I knew before even clicking on this reply that batting1000 would have made a sweeping generalisation towards "all the Android users""

Doesn't really add much to the discussion does it?

Are you going to tell us the sky is blue next? Was that supposed to be some kind of dig, even though you know that every iPhone user would do the same in a thread about the opposite?

Edit: Looks like I'm not the only one who can make these type of predictions. :)
Not as easy as it sounds. I know how to enable USB disk mode on the device, and it's not recognizable by OSX 10.8. Yes I can dual-boot to Windows 7, but that's besides the point (not even sure if that recognizes it either). All of my software is always up to date across the board.

Another way is to use AirDroid, which lets you transfer your files between your phone and web browser on your computer.
You can't switch to a new piece of tech, and expect it to "just work" out of the box. Everything needs tweaking, even the iPhone. Did you power up your iPhone on day 1 and it magically synced all your contacts from whatever dumbphone you were using before that? I don't think so.

Yes I can. When I first power it up, it will ask for my Apple ID and iCloud and I can choose to restore from an iCloud back up (or iTunes). Either way, it will grab my contacts from iCloud.

Of course it won't sync with non Apple devices (unless I get it done at the store) because they don't have access to iCloud.
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