I had the same issue with needing to transfer my outlook email to the Mac. I used that $10 dollar shareware program and it worked fine. I have used both Mail and Entourage 2004 and I found Entourage 2004 is very slow compared to Mail for organizing your email into folders. It's probably 20 times slower if not slower. Outlook seems more ziper than Mail too. I was disappointed.
Microsoft really dropped the ball with Entourage. It doesn't import or share your contacts from Address book, doesn't deal with importing email from outlook, doesn't support PST files as it's native format, and slow. But it has improved a lot from Entourage X in the performance category.
I do like the views available with Entourage 2004 and I hope the next version of Mail has those features added to it. Those views help find and organize your emails.
Also I agree with "OldManJimbo" that the program called Move2Mac is a waste of money. It's easy just to copy your stuff over the network, CD, or whatever. If anything, it should be included with your Mac purchase at no charge because those beginner users need that that kind of help.
I am probably 90% Mac at home right now. Just a few programs that work better on the PC. I am really looking forward to Virtual PC 7 for the G5. I tried Quicken 2004 and after a month, I switched back to Microsoft Money 2004. Those programs are like comparing Panther to Windows XP. I really liked Microsoft Money better. It's more polished, better reports, saves me time with data entry and reconciling.