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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 24, 2020
I need to make a call on this matter in the very near future. I’m immigrating to Canada in a month’s time and need to have this sorted by then.

i currently own a X that has served me well for almost 3 years. It however needs a battery replacement now which will set me back about $70 (converted from South African Rand). However, if I trade-in the X, I can get the SE 2020 for $90.

I don’t know how long it will take before I will be allowed (credit record in new country) to take out a contract in Canada and a cash purchase will not be possible. Therefore at this stage I can not bargain on getting a 12 in the coming months.

So do I replace the X’s battery or get the SE and future proof myself and have the 1 year warranty? Your advice is appreciated.


macrumors regular
May 17, 2018
I need to make a call on this matter in the very near future. I’m immigrating to Canada in a month’s time and need to have this sorted by then.

i currently own a X that has served me well for almost 3 years. It however needs a battery replacement now which will set me back about $70 (converted from South African Rand). However, if I trade-in the X, I can get the SE 2020 for $90.

I don’t know how long it will take before I will be allowed (credit record in new country) to take out a contract in Canada and a cash purchase will not be possible. Therefore at this stage I can not bargain on getting a 12 in the coming months.

So do I replace the X’s battery or get the SE and future proof myself and have the 1 year warranty? Your advice is appreciated.

I went from an X to an SE and I’ll tell you, though I miss the OLED screen I’ve really been impressed with the SE.

Touch ID just works. All the time. Even with a mask on. Haha. If you can get over the forehead and chin you won’t be disappointed otherwise except maybe the battery life.

My advice is this: if you consume all of your media on the phone, get the X battery replaced. If you have an iPad or MacBook you use for that, get the SE.


macrumors 68000
Oct 12, 2014
Honestly you should just keep the X imo

Get the battery replaced if you wish

The SE is a great phone but it’s really not a phone you should be trading the X to get for another 100$ w tax. You can certainly find people on Kijiji who would happily love to do a 1:1 swap with you for their SE 2020 devices for a X.


macrumors 6502
Aug 8, 2011
I'd get a new battery for your X. You'll be able to find a discounted SE (or another model) if you need to get a replacement phone down the line.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2015
Honestly you should just keep the X imo

Get the battery replaced if you wish

The SE is a great phone but it’s really not a phone you should be trading the X to get for another 100$ w tax. You can certainly find people on Kijiji who would happily love to do a 1:1 swap with you for their SE 2020 devices for a X.

This is very solid advice from Nordique.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
I'd probably get the SE, but you won't go wrong either way. Probably the biggest thing pushing me to the SE would be that it'll come with a new warranty, whereas if something goes wrong on the X, you're on your own at this point.


macrumors member
Aug 20, 2015
Atlanta, GA
I sold my iPhone 11 for the SE for a number of reasons and have not looked back. I love the size and fingerprint scanner among other things. You cannot go wrong with the iPhone SE.
(I will get the iPhone 12 5.4" screen when it comes out.)


macrumors 601
Aug 28, 2012
Between the coasts
The X has plenty of useful life left in it, if you replace the battery. The $79 buys you a lot of useful life.

Personally, I prefer Face ID and the larger display, and I do use the "telephoto" lens fairly often, so I'd probably replace the battery.

The SE 2 is a really fine phone - wonderful for people who are looking for great price and performance in the same form factor as iPhone 6-8 and don't need as many photographic bells and whistles. It just doesn't suit my needs.
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