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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 19, 2011
Does anyone know of a way to have os x move files and folders between two hdd's or partitions on the same machine without making a copy? It's a pain to trash the first file each time and holding command each time, while not a pain, is annoying.

Don't think so.

Either hold down command while dragging... or use Terminal :p (although I guess that's too much effort for you since that involves typing heh)
The mv command only works on a single partition, however, you can do it with a few easy commands:

Become root (not necessary if you are only working on files that you own):
sudo su -

To do the copy:
cd sourcedir ; tar -cf - . | (cd destdir ; tar -xpf -)

Once the copy has been made (and you've verified it):

cd sourcedir
cd ..
rm -r sourcedir


cd .. moves you back up one directory
pwd displays the directory you're in

rm -r sourcedir erases sourcedir and all the files underneath sourcedir.

Does anyone know of a way to have os x move files and folders between two hdd's or partitions on the same machine without making a copy? It's a pain to trash the first file each time and holding command each time, while not a pain, is annoying.


There's an AUTOMATOR command to move items. Drop the files onto the Automator App and select their destination.
Works a treat.
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