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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 7, 2011
I'm just now getting set-up in a clean install of El Capitan! I went from SL to ElCap with a brief time in Mavericks.

Anyway, in years past I would move certain Safari Password Entries into a different Keychain by dragging the desired items from the login keychain to the different keychain in Keychain Access.

Now, I understand that the Local Items Keychain is newer concept that is basically a sub-keychain of the login keychain primarily for iCloud purposes, which I don't use or even have set-up at all.

But, I don't seem to be able to move Safari password item from the Local Items keychain at all, Keychain Access wo;t let me drop them into any other keychain.
There are all newly created keychain entries and keychains, I didn't use Migration Assistant at all for my clean install.

I see that there is no more Keychain First Aid feature in Keychian Access anymore...

Is there any way to move these items or am I really stuck like this?
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