I thought OpenBox a just a linux window manager. <shrug> I had no idea it could assist in running Windows on a Mac.
I don't like the impermanent feeling of running an OS I intend to use regularly inside a VM, so thats why I was wondering if it could be installed (and work) via a secondary HD/SSD....?You probably want VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org/). Should be able to run Win2k with no problems.
I don't like the impermanent feeling of running an OS I intend to use regularly inside a VM, so thats why I was wondering if it could be installed (and work) via a secondary HD/SSD....?
I don't think Apple has ever offered support for booting Windows 2000 or any drivers for it. Bootcamp originally started with Windows XP.
Windows 2000 has such a light resource requirement that it should run fine inside a VM.
Windows 2000 won't boot at all on a Mac Pro. It was forced on to some early 2006 Macs, but it was unstable and had no driver support.
I do not wish to put Windows 2000 inside a VM.
Would it at least boot without becoming a $70 OS vegetable?
XP has support for some of the newer technologies that are in the Mac Pro, which 2000 lacks, causing the instability and incompatibility. Apple built the drivers using APIs and technologies that came out in XP and have not been back ported to 2000.
Then somebody needs to make those drivers.Surely, thats a possibility, to make a driver? If drivers came into existence, what other problems would be faced?
Maybe I could follow this tutorial:
Do most of it via bootcamp, and then erase the Mac OS partition and I would hopefully have a bootable HD/SSD with Win 2000 on it!
I see a youtube series...
I say there is a way