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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 12, 2005
Pulled out my old MP3.1 to do duty as a room heater :D for winter replacing a old laptop as a media player in my room, just going to be used for internet,media player (ruining osx 10.11 with 18gb ram).

want to grab a SSD for it and have mixed feelings advice wanted ;)
i can pick up a ADATA SX900 64gb for £30 but is that to small? a sandisk 120 gb for about £50 or a DREVO X1 240GB for £63 or a sandisk 240gb for £74 (all amazon uk)

tempted by the ADATA 64GB drive as it's sooo cheep but im not shore if that will give problems (never used a drive that small) or the 240GB drives seem better cost per GB and may let me stick win 7 on to play KSP and some old steam games.
but this is just a toy setup and i wont need space on it (at most VLC, Firefox,kerbal space program) if i need some space for films/music ill pick up a 1TB WD blue.

any way think i can get away with 64GB or will i need to get a 120GB+ SSD?

got to say i feel let down by the heat output of my 3.1 when i got the idea of using it as a room heater i hoped my room was going to be toasty hot but seems not

Flint Ironstag

macrumors 65816
Dec 1, 2013
Houston, TX USA
240GB minimum SSD, I'd say. If you want the 3,1 to generate some heat, install a nice media library on that 1TB drive, then let Plex go to town on it. Once that's done after a few days, run SETI, BOINC, or some other useful distributed computing app. At least the energy will be going to a good cause.
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