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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 10, 2002
hello all

I have been using AAC in iTunes since it came out, but i just got a mp3 cd player

if i choose MP3 cd in iTunes and burn a bunch of songs which are AAC's will it be playable in the mp3 cd player? so im asking if itunes converts them into mp3s when burning, or would i have to do that manually?

thanks in advance
If they are AACs purchased from iTunes Music Store, iTunes will not burn them on an MP3 CD nor will it convert them to MP3. The only workaround is to burn the AACs to an audio CD, and then rip that as MP3.
thanks for the replies, i live in Canada so no ITMS. will toast change them too? im thinking not, but does anyone know? its Toast 6 btw
when i try and burn a playlist that consists of all aac's or some aac's and some mp3s i either get a cannot burn warning with all aac's or it will only burn the mp3s

am i missing a step
what options do i have to have turned on for itunes to auto re-encode to mp3 and then burn?
Originally posted by rickvanr
what options do i have to have turned on for itunes to auto re-encode to mp3 and then burn?

There is no option to convert purchased AACs to MP3. That would make it hideously easy to defeat the digital rights management in the AAC. The only way to do it is to burn the AACs to an audio CD and then rip that as MP3. You'll lose some quality but you might not even notice it.
Have you tried highlighting the AAC song(s) and then clicking Advanced-->Convert Selection to MP3? I haven't tried burning an mp3 CD with AACs but it seems reasonable you'd have to convert them.

Again, you'l lose sound quality doing this--but you might not notice it. If sound quality is very important you're better off ripping as MP3 from the original CD.

Oh, and if your Advanced tab says something like "Convert to AIFF", to into iTunes preferences and change your default encoding to MP3.
And here I thought you could just change the extension of the AAC file to read MP3, if nothing else the icon changes :p
Originally posted by the Natetrix
And here I thought you could just change the extension of the AAC file to read MP3, if nothing else the icon changes :p
If you change the extension to xls will it become a spreadsheet?:D
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