According to my Googling, the 2010 3.33MHz 6 core Mac Pro is the beefiest machine that can run Snow Leopard.
All of the ones I'm seeing on FleaBay have been upgraded to High Sierra, which is of itself no problem as I'm intending to just swap drives.
They're all running the MP51.0084.b00 ROM though. Is this the stock one that the Westmere was born with? If not, will it still boot 10.6.8? If not, can the ROM be downgraded and, if so, what to, how and where from?
Many thanks!
All of the ones I'm seeing on FleaBay have been upgraded to High Sierra, which is of itself no problem as I'm intending to just swap drives.
They're all running the MP51.0084.b00 ROM though. Is this the stock one that the Westmere was born with? If not, will it still boot 10.6.8? If not, can the ROM be downgraded and, if so, what to, how and where from?
Many thanks!