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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I want an MPB so bad but I don't live near any apple stores. I am afraid to order it online because when I get it I don't wanna have to deal with heat, whine etc. What do you think wait, or deal with the issues.:confused:
Wait a while

Hey there, 1st post for me :)

I got my 17inch MBP 2.16ghz 3 days ago, sorry to say, it whines and it gets boiling hot, im swapping it for a Black MB, i dont mind a £900 model gettting hot, but for £2,000 its really not worth it with the whine and the heat issue.

I've heard Apple is finally adressing the issues so, we'll see what happens before next semester I guess. I like the MAcBook's but I think I would need something with a little for graphics power.
I have had my 17" Macbook pro for a little over a week now. It gets a little bit hot, but it really isn't much worse than my 12" powerbook. The noise, I hear a faint noise when it's plugged in, but typing on the keyboard is louder than it. These problems are so minor in comparison to everything I like about it.
c1gar said:
Hey there, 1st post for me :)

I got my 17inch MBP 2.16ghz 3 days ago, sorry to say, it whines and it gets boiling hot, im swapping it for a Black MB, i dont mind a £900 model gettting hot, but for £2,000 its really not worth it with the whine and the heat issue.


Could you tell me why you are getting the black because I am torn between white and black?
c1gar said:
Hey there, 1st post for me :)

I got my 17inch MBP 2.16ghz 3 days ago, sorry to say, it whines and it gets boiling hot, im swapping it for a Black MB, i dont mind a £900 model gettting hot, but for £2,000 its really not worth it with the whine and the heat issue.

I did the same thing, just for a white MB. I felt like spending that much on one that had such problems was really bad.

The MB is good though, very solid. If you want a MBP and can wait a bit longer you should, just to see how things are going with the rev B model.
aaron.lee2006 said:
Don't remember the link but it is one of those things.
Hmm, I sent my MBP in for repair, whine issue. The book came back with no changes what so ever. According to the technician they can't do anything to fix it. Seems like your news haven't reached Denmark yet ;)

But trust me I'll send it in again.

As to the heat, they won't do anything about that either, trust me. What are they going to do, recall all purchased MBP's? Not likely. I'm not bothered by the heat anyway, not much hotter then my old PB.
I returned a MacBook Pro 15" 1.83GHz to Apple the day after the MacBook came out. It's just NOT WORTH the extra money when the MacBook is the same computer for hundreds of dollars/pounds/yourcurrency less.

The MacBook Pro got burning hot, especially on the charger and the thing had a horrid whine. Luckily, my new MacBook has neither of these issues - it really is a great machine.

The ONLY reason anyone should buy the MacBook Pro is if they absolutely definitely must must have the Radeon X1600 - even then, I don't think that it's worth £400-500 extra.
neiltc13 said:
I returned a MacBook Pro 15" 1.83GHz to Apple the day after the MacBook came out. It's just NOT WORTH the extra money when the MacBook is the same computer for hundreds of dollars/pounds/yourcurrency less.

I would rather spend hundreds more for the mbp over the mb, simply because of:

1. The screen resolution and brightness difference
2. Existance of an actual video card allows me to play most games.

For me, the computers are by no means "the same computer".
macbookpros UNITE!!! mine gets hot all the time, it dosent whine that much anymore. But Chicks DIG IT!!! I got mine in febuary and never did I send it back. Its the best computer ever made.
Winstonp said:
I would rather spend hundreds more for the mbp over the mb, simply because of:

1. The screen resolution and brightness difference
2. Existance of an actual video card allows me to play most games.

For me, the computers are by no means "the same computer".
3. Backlit keyboard
4. Aluminum case AWSOME, AWSOME TO THE MAX!!
5. Better speakers

I would still go MBP despite the whine and more heat.
Temujin said:
3. Backlit keyboard
4. Aluminum case AWSOME, AWSOME TO THE MAX!!
5. Better speakers

I would still go MBP despite the whine and more heat.
6. Better HDD
7. Better Processor
8. Thinner (even though its only like o.o8")
Temujin said:
4. Aluminum case AWSOME, AWSOME TO THE MAX!!

I do love that scorching hot metal feeling, yes. So awesome. Like a portable industrial oven, who wouldn’t want one?

Aluminium is a good heat conductor which is why it is used to make saucepans.

Temujin said:
5. Better speakers

Yeah! Ride those crazy laptop beats. Seriously, anyone doing serious audio work (or listening to music) would use the digital (or analogue) out. Errm, yes, yes in fact the MacBook does have this feature. Damn...

Xander562 said:
6. Better HDD
7. Better Processor

So true, yes. But, erm, I can have the same processor and a better hard drive than the base MBP in a MacBook for -£££ cheaper by removing 3 screws.

Oh... Oh dear, the system has broken down slightly?

It simply doesn’t equate to a worthy deal in my eyes – I’m glad they didn’t cripple the MacBook however I don’t think you Pro guys and gals have been provided with a fabulous product in terms of value for money even by Apple standards. Will be interesting to see what they do, as I think they will do something.
Apple shame on you

Just swaped the 17inch Book MBP for the black MB, a lovely little machine,

apart from it has more problems then my old MBP, Major whine and mooing, lol

goner take this back on tuesday,

all in all tho, if i had to choose between a MBP with no problems, or a MB with no problems, i would have to say the MB every time, i really, really digg the black casing, the screen glossyness is great,

Maybe 3rd time lucky for me, heres hoping....
I would wait until the end of the summer. That's what I am doing... Unless I hear that the problems have been sufficiently solved.
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